The Producer Suing Fox and Tucker Over "A Discriminatory and Hostile Work Environment" Never Actually Met Carlson, Her Attorney's Admit
The head booker, Abby Grossberg, who filed a lawsuit against Fox Corporation last month, naming Fox News, Carlson, network executives, and other members of Carlson's production team as co-defendants never even met Carlson, so says her lawyers.
Yet the suit claims that Carlson and his production team:
Subjected Grossberg, who worked as the head booker for Carlson's show beginning in July 2022, "to a toxic work environment that is hostile to women like her." (Uh, that would be Jewish woman, of course.)
However, since Carlson taped the show remotely from his studios in Maine and Florida and did not even visit Fox while she was there, well, it uh kind of complicates this bookers claims against Tucker.
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The #ADL Launches #FullASSAULT Against #Tūcker Carlson - "Tucker's Time is Limited at #FoxNews "
#foxnews #Tūcker #FullASSAULT #adl