Z Nového Jičína rovnou na frontu. Stát bude opravovat staré tanky T-64 pro Ukrajinu. #T64 #Ukrajina
Více: https://echo24.cz/a/HbCcf/zpravy-domaci-opravy-tanku-vop-cz-ukroboronprom-ukrajina-novy-jicin-t-62-valka-rusko
Loading a 3VBM-9 APFSDS (3BM-22 projectile; 3BM-23 projectile assembly) into the Auto Loader of a T-64BM2 of 92nd Brigade.
This APFSD has ben produced in 1981.
#Ukraine #MBT #Tank #T64
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1642083432137125889
Video shows how to make artificial recoil in the field. Artificial recoil is used to check the condition of the Hydraulic recoil mechanism.
Source "Shawshank Redemption".
#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #ZSU #T64
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1639519369511280640