Please welcome Steve @n8gnj to ! He is the editor of Zero Retries, a newsletter about technology innovation in amateur radio.
Issue 0073 of 2022-11-18:
Topics this week:
Terrestrial Amateur Packet Radio Network #TARPN
Reusing the Baofeng radio chip in projects, from Andreas #HB9BLA
Orv @w6bi wants you to test new #AREDN software
DX'ing Jupiter: radio astronomy (Popular Electronics, 1964) via @dlarc
[ #ZR ]
@wz0c @g0dub Okay, I've done some reading.
The best entry point seems to be #AREDN Services Overview ( and subsequent pages, not the main website. Follow up with Networking Overview (
The #TARPN site has great stuff about net development. They have an active but hidden email list at
Getting back to read more about #TARPN. I really like the "no automated traffic from other networks" ideal by #NCPACKET, _except_ that I think certain telemetry should be able to flow from the ham network to the Internet for purposes of status, discoverability, and promotion. #hamradio #meshnetwork
#meshnetwork #hamradio #NCPACKET #TARPN