🎧It’s the beginning of the end for @DoorDash! #Live TODAY - Saturday, July 29.
☕️I’m still, STILL drinking coffee. Was up late working on #BreakingNews. Call your relatives. It’s gonna be mind-blowing. #VIEW on @twitch & @Youtube. Broadcast time #TBD.
#live #breakingnews #view #TBD
"If you're all working on your own branches, you are not collaborating. You are competing. To see who can get their code in fastest. To avoid being stomped on by someone else's code changes."
https://trishagee.com/2023/05/29/why-i-prefer-trunk-based-development/ #continuousintegration #continuousdelivery #cicd #tbd #scattergather
#continuousintegration #continuousdelivery #cicd #TBD #scattergather
"This is literally 'Continuous Integration (CI)', as originally suggested by the practices of Extreme Programming."
https://trishagee.com/2023/05/29/why-i-prefer-trunk-based-development/ #agile #xp #tbd #cicd
@nelaquetan потому что ты ещё не вступил в команду #TBD по #ICFPC!
Invitation link: https://zulip.memorici.de/join/bbfilgpw7h37ual43ijtq9yj/
"CD requires CI and CI requires Trunk-Based Development. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Ask yourself, 'why can't we do this yet?' Solving that problem is the engine of org improvement."
Of course #TBD (trunk based development) is great (but only if you have a great team). How horseshit is sold to us everyday. The fine print under your unicycle seat is that you must have experience riding a unicycle.
Use #featurebranches from a starting point when you last released to production, integrate continuously and merge to release branch when ready. Easy. No unfinished code in production is shipped.