Day 251 #TBT #SongOfTheDay 9/7/23: “Dream Weaver” #GaryWright. RIP. Once again, deaths occur in 3s. Not sure this musical innovator receives the acclaim he deserves. #songoftheday #songaday365
#songaday365 #garywright #SongOfTheDay #TBT
Peter is taking a bit of a break from streaming due to school things, but stay tuned when they return for more moments like this!
#TBT #throwbackthursday #twitch
36 Years Ago: Under Illefarn was released. This 1e adventure had the PCs deal with local perils of Daggerford, such as fighting lizardmen raiders, rescuing a kidnapped noblewoman, and guarding a caravan.
#dnd #TBThursday #tbt
Day 244 #TBT #SongOfTheDay 8/31/23: “Mr. Big Stuff” @waterbedheav . RIP and this track absolutely crushes. Also, amazing that this is one artist spitting multiple verses with no other artists jumping in. Old school. #songoftheday #songaday365
#songaday365 #SongOfTheDay #TBT
43 Years Ago: Deities & Demigods 1e was released. It presents the game statistics & background information for the gods, heroes, & legendary monsters from different mythologies. It was the first print appearance of various fictional non-human deities, such as Corellon, Moradin, Gruumsh, and others, many of which have become standard features of #dnd and its derivatives.
#TBThursday #tbt
Theresa Harris & uncredited black actors have a scene at the railway station • Union Depot • 1932
#theresaHarris #unionStation #unionDepot #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansy #pansyCraze #precode #movies #classic #film #vintage #theater #1930s #pride #lgbt #gay #queer #History #black #drag #dragQueen #newyork #tuesday #tbt #throwbackThursday #broadway #blackAndWhite #hollywood #altText #newYorkCity #video #facebook #tikTok @AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees
#crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #TikTok #Facebook #Video #newyorkcity #alttext #hollywood #BlackAndWhite #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #TBT #tuesday #NewYork #dragqueen #drag #black #History #Queer #gay #LGBT #pride #1930s #theater #vintage #Film #classic #Movies #precode #pansycraze #pansy #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #uniondepot #unionstation #theresaharris
40 Lines About 40 Drags 1862-1982
#drag #RuPaul #charlesBusch #ladyBunny #dragRace #rupaulsDragRace #doctorOfUnpopularCulture #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansyCraze #movies #classic #film #theater #1930s #1920s #pride #gaypride #lgbt #gay #queerHistory #queer #black #blackHistory #dragQueen #dragKing #newyork #history #thursday #tbt #fbf #throwbackThursday #broadway #news #vaudeville #burlesque #video #lyrics #nails #song #facebook #tikTok #AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees #etsy
#etsy #crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #amanandamouse #TikTok #Facebook #Song #nails #lyrics #Video #Burlesque #vaudeville #News #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #fbf #TBT #thursday #History #NewYork #dragking #dragqueen #blackhistory #black #Queer #queerhistory #gay #LGBT #gaypride #pride #1920s #1930s #theater #Film #classic #Movies #pansycraze #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #doctorofunpopularculture #rupaulsdragrace #dragrace #ladybunny #charlesbusch #rupaul #drag
Day 237 #TBT #SongOfTheDay 8/24/23: “I’m Alright”@thekennyloggins . Continuing to try and walk the positivity pathway as much as possible. #songoftheday #songaday365
#songaday365 #SongOfTheDay #TBT
23 Years Ago: Player's Handbook 3e was released. It was a major overhaul of #dnd, including the adoption of the d20 system. It aimed to create a more streamlined, accessible, and balanced system while providing players with more options for character customization and creativity.
#TBThursday #tbt
Day 230 #TBT #SongOfTheDay 8/17/23: “Begin (feat. @Wales)” @shallou . Continuing the journey and trying to keep the proper perspective and mindset. #songoftheday #songaday365 #latepost
#latepost #songaday365 #SongOfTheDay #TBT
Dug out of the attic. Literally.
Me in my old band No Means No doing Self-Pity (excerpt) at the Mean Fiddler in London in 1991. I rarely listen to our records or watch old videos but seeing this clip made me happy. When we were good, we were good.
#TBT #nomeansnoband #nomeansno #tbt1991
25 Years Ago: A Guide to the Ethereal Plane was released. This #planescape accessory provides detailed information about the ethereal plane.
It includes information on the nature of the ethereal plane, its denizens, & the various hazards & opportunities. It explains the mechanics of moving between the ethereal & material planes, as well as the use of spells & magical items that can help adventurers navigate this strange realm.
#dnd #TBThursday #tbt
#planescape #DnD #TBThursday #TBT
Day 223 #TBT #SongOfTheDay 8/10/23: “Someone Somewhere (In Summertime)”. @simplemindsmusic . As the summertime winds down, this melancholic track captures the essence of another “what could have been, and yet, here we are”- season. #songoftheday #songaday365 #latepost
#latepost #songaday365 #SongOfTheDay #TBT
🎨 When #ArtMeetsJustice⚖️
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Embajada de España en los Países Bajos: #TBT En el marco de los actos de inauguración de la @eu2023es, la Delegación de #España en @Eurojust presentó el 6 de julio,con apoyo de @justiciagob y esta Embajada, la exposición de Bea Sarrias y @morrosko, hasta diciembre, y la obra pintada en directo para la sede de #Eurojust
#ArtMeetsJustice #TBT #España #Eurojust
35 Years Ago: The Savage Frontier was released. This 1e accessory focuses on the Savage Frontier; it includes an overview of the region & of the peoples of the North, as well as personalities, geographic features, magical items, proficiencies & adventures
#dnd #TBThursday #tbt