#TCM consistently the best on tv
Julie Andrews is so good in Victor/Victoria (it was just on #TCM last night); I adore this film - funny cast & great musical numbers! (& gorgeous period costumes & sets, too) And it was directed by her husband the great Blake Edwards, too! (Which explains why it was so funny!☺️👍)
@lgomez4 @MigrationPolicy Muy interesante. Y como dices bien, un momemto importante para profundizar la cooperación transatlántica #TCM @MigrationPolicy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/annaterronc/status/1661801919872991239
@jackhutton I had to switch too, Drump all day, all the time is kinda what got us here in the first place. Instead Watching fun and fluff on #TCM where it must be old musical day 🥰
Wake and hit the bottle of Dit Da Jow. I want a gallon of the stuff. #ditdajow #tcm #tjm #ttm #ttm #voidoin #folkremedy #bushmedicine #acupuncture #cupping #ayurveda
#ditdajow #TCM #tjm #ttm #voidoin #folkremedy #bushmedicine #acupuncture #cupping #ayurveda
#TCM #FilmNoir hitting it out of the park this weekend with Hangover Square starring Laird Cregar as a brilliant composer who loses memory of murders he's committed. Linda Darnell is likewise fabulous in her role. The plot is fantastic and the entire cast is terrific.
Tonight, the not-to-be missed #ClassicMovie Hitchhiker
#TCM #filmnoir #classicmovie #classicmovies
Tonight and every Tuesday in February, from 8 p.m. ET till the following morning, TCM is airing classic screwball comedies. We might quibble with a handful of their choices, but we appreciate the effort! More info: https://tcm.com/this-month/article/021735 #ScrewballComedy #TCM #ClassicMovies #ClassicHollywood
#screwballcomedy #TCM #classicmovies #classichollywood
RT @gtorges@twitter.com
#Schwurbel-Alarm im @DLF@twitter.com!
„Sprechstunde“ zu „Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin“ (#TCM)
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#Quacksalber #Scharlatan #Homöopathie
cc @AnthroBlogger@twitter.com
#schwurbel #TCM #quacksalber #Scharlatan #homoopathie
#ClassicMovie on #TCM tonight is Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry. I'm not always a fan of 70s movies but this classic car chase movie is pretty perfect for the bad guy vs. all the cops in the county genre. And Susan George is definitelh hot. 44% on Rotten Tomatoes 😂
China admits its Covid deaths are 'huge' https://mol.im/a/11594391 via https://dailym.ai/android so #whatabout #TCM ?
Call me sad old queen, sad old queen, but watching #TCM #JudyGarland singing boy next door makes fond remembrances of Christmas Eves past
"Remember the Night" on Turner Classic Movies on Dec 23 at 7pm (CST) is the movie for Manuel's Movie Club.
Each month, Manuel Ortiz chooses a movie that we watch at the same time. We then share our thoughts and reactions when we visit or via email. Manuel's been on death row for almost 30 years and he's a classic movie buff.
If you'd like to join us, watch tomorrow night and comment with your feedback. We'll share it with him.
#classicmovies #film #TCM #manuelortiz #incarceration
@Ttubretep #MarthaVickers was in the film Ruthless with Zachary Scott. I don’t know if #TCM featured this movie this month but could have missed it.