No one should lose their life or be rejected simply for who they are.
Reading is a town that celebrates its diversity and we stand in solidarity with trans and non-binary people who continue to face persecution and discrimination.
The in-person vigil was now fully booked but you can watch back online
Today is #TransDayOfRemembrance 🕯️🏳️⚧️
My Dad, Pippa, died on the 20th of September. Today, I'm choosing not to focus on the trauma inflicted on her by society, instead sharing a poem of hers which I hope will be an inspiration to others. I'm so proud of her. #TDoR2022
#transdayofremembrance #TDoR2022
cassiopeia waved a midnight
to wing you to bird on the dark rib
& grief opens her booming chest
& may ours scoop any answer
at all to you translated flung
to silver & sudden far
& this is no cry
of grace no rest no sense no
knowing quiet no kind of end
cassiopeia waved a midnight
to wing you to bird on the dark rib
& grief opens her booming chest
& may ours scoop any answer
at all to you translated flung
to silver & sudden far
& this is no cry
of grace no rest no sense no
knowing quiet no kind of end
RT @MarinaMesure: 🏳️⚧️ Journée du souvenir trans
Aujourd'hui, mes pensées vont particulièrement aux personnes victimes d'assassinats transphobes dans le monde entier.
La lutte contre la transphobie est notre affaire à toutes et à tous. Ne lâchons rien.
I just want to take a moment to think of all the people whose names don't end up on a list. All the lost trans people, denied by a hostile world their names even in rest.
They matter too.
CW: Trans Day of Remembrance
Our vigil for Trans Day of Remembrance 2022 in Glasgow city centre. #tdor #TDoR2022
Fy nghanwyll TDOR noswaith yma.
My candle for TDOR this evening.
#tdor2022 #cofiwch #transdayofremembrance #TransDayofRemembrance2022
#transdayofremembrance2022 #transdayofremembrance #cofiwch #TDoR2022
On this #TransDayOfRemembrance, solidarity with trans friends & colleagues, their families & friends & the whole trans community. It's vital to continue to stand against discrimination & hatred in all its forms. Trans rights are human rights #TDOR2022
#transdayofremembrance #TDoR2022
La transphobie tue. #TDoR2022
La haine tue.
Laissez-les vivre, et s'aimer.
Ça devrait être simple. ❤️
Our vigil for Trans Day of Remembrance 2022 in Glasgow city centre. #tdor #TDoR2022
Da avvocato sensibile ai temi LGBTQ+, rimango sempre sorpreso e ispirato dalla forza cui le persone transgender sono costrette attingere per proteggere la coscienza di sé e l'affermazione della propria identità anche sul piano pubblico.
Alcune iniziano a 'vivere tardi' con terribili cicatrici, altre ci riescono molto prima (per fortuna sempre più spesso).
Ma oggi siamo qui per ricordare chi non ci è riuscito, stroncato dall'ignoranza e dalla stupidità di ignoranti e criminali. #TDoR2022 #TDoR
This Transgender Day Of Remembrance we reflect on the systematic barriers and horrific violence faced by the trans community—especially the Black trans women who are disproportionately affected. We see you, we love you, we support you. 🏳️⚧️💗🙏💗🙏💗🏳️⚧️
#transdayofremembrance #saytheirnames #tdor #TDoR2022
As a member of the #CSDBerlin and as well as a vital part of the Bi+ Community (always B with the T) its important to me, to share this silent march invite in English for today in Berlin as well. #TDoR22 #TDoR2022 #trans* #inter* #NonBinary #remembrance #visibilitymatters
#csdberlin #TDoR22 #TDoR2022 #trans #inter #NonBinary #remembrance #visibilitymatters
Trans Day of Remembrance 2022, remember those who’ve been murdered and those who saw no other way out except to take their own lives #TDoR2022
Trans Day of Remembrance 2022, remember those who’ve been murdered and those who saw no other way out except to take their own lives #TDoR2022
Het is #transgendergedenkdag, We staan stil bij slachtoffers van transgenderhaat. Afgelopen jaar werden wereldwijd 327 transpersonen vermoord. Daarnaast stierven veel #transgender personen aan een zelfmoordpoging als gevolg van depressie&angst. #GroenLinks #Drenthe #TDOR2022.
#TDoR2022 #drenthe #groenlinks #transgender #transgendergedenkdag
At least 327 trans & gender-diverse people were murdered worldwide between Oct 2021 & Sept 2022 as result of anti-trans violence, reports Today is #TransDayOfRemembrance. Be an ally every day and stand up to bigotry. Lives depend on it. #TDoR2022
#TDoR2022 #transdayofremembrance