There's no scientific or defensible rationale behind this. Simply performative cruelty. Hopefully legally challengeable under EA2010.
#Transphobia #TERFIsland #UKPolitics
#transphobia #TERFIsland #ukpolitics
There's no scientific or defensible rationale behind this. It's simply performative cruelty and spite, part of the Tories' desperate new strategy of blowing up the anti-trans moral panic to save themselves.
#Transphobia #TERFIsland #UKPolitics
#transphobia #TERFIsland #ukpolitics
One wonders if it was the abuse of #TerfIsland that made Nicola #Sturgeon quit?
That's what the transphobes want, this is a big win for them, isnt it?
Rishi Sunak smiles his millionaire smile as he dances on the grave of #BriannaGhey so his #SelfID culture war will distract #TerfIsland from all the plunder and incompetence.
Our little lives are just toys to them 😡
#briannaghey #selfID #TERFIsland
British schools can't tackle bullying because Britain is BUILT on bullying and rewards those who prey on others at school and then in adult life.
You think America is toxic, we just keep it all behind the net curtains.
State School is bad enough but what goes on at the place they make the 'elites'......well y'all know about that don't you?
#BriannaGhey #TerfIsland
Furious text from Labour HQ "May I remind you we've accepted Trans people and Refugees are the whipping boys for this is season and we need that bigot vote. Peter said so...."
#BriannaGhey #TerfIsland
One day I'd like to have a debate on the right to existence for British Columnist Nepo Babies.......
#BriannaGhey #TerfIsland
#TerfIsland #Labour #Starmer #BriannaGhey
I fully expect him to evade the story until it all blows over because Queers aren't important to his plans, it's not the annual "Pose with a Poof" Pride Photo, is it you coward?
#TERFIsland #labour #starmer #briannaghey
Westminster hates the Queers, and always will. It's beyond reform.
#TerfIsland #BriannaGhey
It's not called #TerfIsland for nothing.
Queers move to Scotland to get away from the hatred in England, like they have to move from Red States to Blue in the US
It's ok when minorities are forced to move out of fear though, that's the hierarchy in these two lands.
#BriannaGhey #TerfIsland
That special 'British' care where you just ignore the problem.....
We're heading towards the episode on #TerfIsland where the Prime Minister intervenes on #BriannaGhey's death certificate and sides against her wishes and dignity, aren't we?
20 Nepo Baby 'Sarah's' are writing newspaper columns about it as we speak, the nightmare churns on.....🙁
That article from long ago that situated Britsh Terfness in new-atheistness: there is definitely much more to be said about the supposedly feminist desire to denigrate femininity and the world of the rationalists. If you've seen anything more recent, would love the rec! #TransLiberation #TERFIsland
@flexghost @feverspell I have no vote in this because I'm on #TerfIsland but I like Pete, I like how he goes onto Fox News and fights.