RT @hub_te
#TEhub update, tomorrow: Wednesday the 8th at 9a PST // 12p EST // 6p CEST
You can find the Zoom link in the #te-hub channel on TransposonsWorldwide Slack.
Join us to discuss developments of #transposon resources for TE Hub #transposon
RT @hub_te
DATE CHANGE!!! Next #TEhub update: Wednesday February the 8th (9AM PST // 12AM EST // 6PM CEST)
You can find the Zoom link in the #te-hub channel on TransposonsWorldwide Slack.
Join us to discuss developments of #transposon resources for TE Hub #transposon
🇧🇷 #Transposon people! Reach out to @rita_rebollo :) #TEhub
RT @rita_rebollo
Viva Brasil! 5 week stay, lots of lab visits, and a nice collab with Claudia Carareto (of course)! Thanks CAPES! #transposon people from #Brazil, let's hook up! @hub_te thinking of you! #WorkTripWithKids #WishmeLuck #BrazilianGramaToTheRescue
#TEhub #Transposon #brazil #WorkTripWithKids #wishmeluck #BrazilianGramaToTheRescue
RT @hub_te
The next #TEhub update: Tuesday January 31st (8AM PST // 11AM EST // 5PM CEST)
You can find the Zoom link in the #te-hub channel on TransposonsWorldwide Slack.
Join us to discuss developments of #transposon resources for TE Hub (http://tehub.org) #transposon
RT @hquesneville
TEfinder 2.31 was released ! Check the new blaster, grouper, matcher, and duster. Speed improvment and bug fixes. Soon used by the #REPET package https://github.com/urgi-anagen/TE_finder #transposons #TEhub
RT @JohannConfais
📢 Hey REPET users ! To improve the classification of your #Transposons reference library there are new banks formatted for #REPET available on @INRAE_URGI website : https://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/Tools/REPET. #TEHub🧵⬇️
RT @hub_te
Today we are thrilled to release the first collection of #TEhub video #tutorials featuring 7 #bioinformatics tools and ressources to analyze #Transposons! In order of appearance…🧵⬇️ 1/11
#tutorials #transposons #TEhub #bioinformatics
#introduction Hi there! My name is Clément, I am an evolutionary biologist interested in #transposons (Jumping Genes 🧬➰🧬) !
#transposons are really cool! They turn Cabernet 🍷 into Chardonnay, protect us from viruses 👾and also give their nice smell to roses🌹!
I really like to pretend I'm doing bioinformatics by playing Lego with software and making pipelines and methods for #transposon analysis and annotation. Here are some of them:
- #dnaPipeTE : find and quantity transposons in short-reads data https://github.com/clemgoub/dnaPipeTE
- #GraffiTE : detect and genotype polymorphic #Transposon insertions using #pangenome approaches https://github.com/cgroza/GraffiTE
- #TE+Aid : a little tool to help manual curation of #Transposons libraries https://github.com/clemgoub/TE-Aid
I am also a contributor to the #TEhub a community centered ressource to learn and share how to analyze #Transposons -- find out more here https://tehub.org -- YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tehub
Always excited to talk about anything, please reach out if you are interested in #Transposons!
When I don't do science, I am passionate about music (I'm into DIY synthetizers these days), vinyl records, photography, skiing, video games and ah yes I am quite passionate about politics too!
#introduction #transposons #dnaPipeTE #TEhub #pangenome #te #Transposon #GraffiTE