Occult Chemistry "Fire"
Obscure #alchemy themed post-punk from 1980. The band's name is most probably taken from the book by #AnnieBesant and #CharlesLeadbeater
#songfortheday #alchemy #anniebesant #charlesleadbeater #occultchemistry #postpunk #newwave #THEOSOPHY
Thought Forms
The influence of #theosophy and other forms of occultism on modern abstract art is a subject very much close to my heart. Though unlike Mondrian, Kandinsky was never a member of the theosophical society, but he was very much conversant with the works of #Blavatsky, #AnnieBesant, #Leadbetter, and #Steiner.
This Gary Lachman article gives a good introduction: https://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/1405-kandinskys-thought-forms-and-the-occult-roots-of-modern-art
#modernart #abstractart #esotericart #occultism #kandinsky #mondrian #garylachman #thoughtforms
#THEOSOPHY #blavatsky #anniebesant #leadbetter #steiner #modernart #abstractart #esotericart #occultism #kandinsky #mondrian #garylachman #thoughtforms