Rewind>>Play>>Fast forward>>rewind>>play>>fast forward>>rewind>>play..
within a second..
Yep you can make TIME go backwards. You can predict all in FUTURE since you are able to SEE into the future..
Perfect example of the REAL AMERCAN DREAM?
.and that is to STEAL others inventions and take credit for them??
#THE_NEW_AMERICAN_WAY #bionics #Insider_Trading #time_travel #TAPE_RECORDER
Rewind>>Play>>Fast forward>>rewind>>play>>fast forward>>rewind>>play..
within a second..
Yep you can make TIME go backwards. You can predict all in FUTURE since you are able to SEE into the future..
Perfect example of the REAL AMERCAN DREAM?
.and that is to STEAL others inventions and take credit for them??
#THE_NEW_AMERICAN_WAY #bionics #Insider_Trading #time_travel #TAPE_RECORDER
Rewind>>Play>>Fast forward>>rewind>>play>>fast forward>>rewind>>play..
within a second..
Yep you can make TIME go backwards. You can predict all in FUTURE since you are able to SEE into the future..
Perfect example of the REAL AMERCAN DREAM?
.and that is to STEAL others inventions and take credit for them??
#THE_NEW_AMERICAN_WAY #bionics #Insider_Trading #time_travel #TAPE_RECORDER