Odd detail: TELMA in Greek means marsh, used to indicate being stuck.
#oncology #immunotherapy
RT @StephenVLiu: Phase II study of atezolizumab + bevacizumab (TELMA trial) in #TMB high NSCLC @JAMAOnc. In 38 pts, RR 42% with mDOR 11.7m and 79% DCR, mPFS 13m, 1y PFS rate 51%. No association between PD-L1 expression and response or survival in this TMB high population.
The fourth R 📦 I maintain on CRAN is `nlist`.
`nlist` creates and manipulates numeric list (nlist) objects.
An nlist is an S3 class list of uniquely named numeric objects. nlist objects are the raw data inputs for analytic engines such as JAGS, STAN and TMB.
nlist objects with the same names, dimensionalities and typeofs can be combined to produce nlists objects which are useful for storing multiple realizations of simulated data sets.
#rstats #JAGS #stan #TMB #nlist
Today it's the `extras` 📦
`extras` provides helper functions for Bayesian (and Maximum Likelihood) analysis.
It's a bit of a bin. I'm particularly proud of functions to calculate the deviance residuals for various functions including the zero-inflated gamma-Poisson distribution as well as to calculate Bayesian s-values.
#rstats #bayesian #JAGS #stan #TMB #statistics
RT @GDDKiA_Rzeszow: Czy wiecie, że łączna waga 13 elementów, które są transportowane rz. #Odra do #Opole to 1⃣7⃣8⃣3⃣ tony. Tyle waży prawie 300 dorosłych słoni afrykańskich🐘 😀😉 #TMB #tunel #S19 #Rzeszów - #Babica #Podkarpacie #ŁączymyPolskę #ViaCarpatia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Bogdan_Rzonca/status/1582343362467594240
#Odra #Opole #TMB #tunel #S19 #Rzeszów #Babica #Podkarpacie #ŁączymyPolskę #ViaCarpatia
Teamleitung (m/w/d) der Technischen Medienbearbeitung (TMB), Vollzeit, E 8 TV-AVH Stiftung Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen | Bewerbungsfrist: 03.09.2020 https://buecherhallen.softgarden.io/job/7389520/Teamleitung-m-w-d-Technische-Medienbearbeitung-TMB-?jobDbPVId=20360375&l=de | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/53281 #openbibliojobs #Medienbearbeitung #Bücherhalle #Hamburg #TMB
#TMB #hamburg #Bücherhalle #Medienbearbeitung #openbibliojobs