"Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul"
...is all I could think from today's #pixel_dailies prompt of "birdcage", so here we are pixelling a #TMBG song. Honestly super happy with how it came out. #pixelart #aseprite #MastoArt
#MastoArt #aseprite #pixelart #TMBG #pixel_dailies
Me appreciating #art history like
🎵Although there are millions of
Cephalophores that wander through this world
You've got something extra going on
I think you probably know🎵
I see that #tractor is trending for ... reasons ... so might as well share this humdinger of a #tmbg #theymightbegiants song called ... "Tractor"! Vivid top-shelf lyrics by John Linnell about a couple and their attraction/repulsion for one another. (Plus its lyrics form a #pangram which is NOT as common as you think!)
#pangram #theymightbegiants #TMBG #tractor