Ok I'm really interested in starting streaming but I need help. Any info helps. Recs, suggestions, links.
Twitch, youtube, both? Somewhere else?
Not shit internet?
I just want to do GM guides, adventure guides, and to talk endlessly about ttrpgs. Maybe even do some actual play?
#pf2e #pathfinder2e #ttrpg #dnd5e #5e #pbta #motw #tor #tor2e #sta #startrekadventures
#pf2e #pathfinder2e #ttrpg #dnd5e #5e #pbta #motw #tor #TOR2e #StA #startrekadventures
My first session of the one ring 2e went great today. I only had 2 players in the end but it went smoothly and I had fun and I'm pretty sure my players did too.
The rules feel pretty light and
The system, at least the starter set, really captures the essence of hobbits in the shire and what those adventures are. It also seems like it will get across the whole, epic journey between a fellowship, vibe.
Really recommend the starter set to anyone interested.
#ttrpg #tor #tor2e #lotr #lordoftherings
#ttrpg #tor #TOR2e #lotr #lordoftherings
This day of game prep is dedicated to the one ring ttrpg. The shire and adventure book were fun to read but the rulebook is a bit of a slog so far. Not nearly as bad as some books though.
#ttrpg #tor #lordoftherings #tor2e #TOR
#ttrpg #tor #lordoftherings #TOR2e
Moin Steamy! 😁
Ich ackere mich derzeit noch mal durch #TOR2e, weil es ernst wird. Neben der Gruppe in Person, möchten @greenspindle, @HeyeBodo und @thopan mal eine Runde drehen. Außerdem kam die Tage meine #TheBlackHack2e Box in der ich schon etwas geschmökert habe und ich arbeite etwas an meinem Teil einer Westmarches Sandbox für #ShadowDark. Ich nutze also die eingeschränkte Mobilität nach der Knie-OP so gut es geht.
#TOR2e #theblackhack2e #shadowdark
Moria™ – Through the Doors of Durin for The One Ring™ RPG
“There’s one dwarf left who still draws breath in the mines of #Moria!”
Yes. I’m so in. I’ve been waiting for this for sooooo long.
Playing a bit of catch-up on the #RPGaDay2023 prompt.
For "First #RPG played (this year)": The One Ring, Second Edition #tor2e
I wrote about this in https://takeonrules.com/2023/01/01/the-travels-of-duinhir-tailwind-session-11/ ; a #soloRPG session.
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #TOR2e #soloRPG
After humming and hawing over playing a solo #TTRPG adventure, I finally asked my wife if she would be interested in trying out the solo rules for #TOR2e. She was way more enthusiastic about the idea than I anticipated, but apparently she has been antsy to give her new dice a spin ever since we got them last year and just hasn't had the opportunity. Ngl, I am way more excited about having someone else join me than trying to give it a go by myself. That, and she's way more creative than I am and has practice writing stories so I feel much better about our prospects of an interesting adventure.
I'm tempted to do some solo modes on my #TTRPG setup, but the fun of TTRPGs for me was always the shenanigans PCs come up with and I don't know that it'll be quite as enjoyable for me being by myself. There's one I have that's like a choose-your-own-adventure which I think takes the weight of creativity off my shoulders, I might give that a go as I think it also helps introduce features of #FoundryVTT.
#TOR2e has a pretty in-depth solo mode that I should go over. It seems like these kinds of solo adventures are for folks who really get into their character's backstory and whatnot, and I've never been that guy.
I have spent entirely too much time getting journals to look pretty in #FoundryVTT the past couple days. It's forced me to up my CSS game, which has been lacking (completely atrophied is a better description). It's a pretty small detail that my players will spend very little time looking at, but it feels nice to have it look good. Also feels nice to have the Foundry instance working with reverse proxy so we can video chat, which took some doing because of my inability to access my router.
I've spent an inordinate amount of time getting starter box materials in #FoundryVTT for the Lord of the Rings campaign I don't even know if I'm having. For being a total Foundry noob, I think it looks decent.
Now to see if I can get everyone's schedule to work out...
Been working on getting #FoundryVTT up and running on my server to run The One Ring RPG, and just when I've got nearly everything update Foundry releases a new version. I'll wait to update, but man...timing - *chef's kiss*
#ttrpg #TOR2e
Bubbling excitement on The Raspy Raven, possible plans to get back to playing and running some TOR2e. #ttrpg #theonering #TOR2e
Well, @TheTweedmeister said it was GM appreciation day, so I’ll give thanks to him for the Darkening of Mirkwood (which we plan to do a follow up to using #TOR2e) and the Liminal mini campaign, to @eladrin for lots of fun games, and to Rich Lock for #theEsoterrorists and more recently Eternal Lies.
One of my personal favorites from last year: The One Ring 2e
Don't miss this deal! https://bundleofholding.com/presents/OneRingStarter
running until March 6th!
#TOR2e #bundle #deal #recommended
#TOR2e #bundle #deal #recommended
So I'm just reading the adventure "The Star of the Mist" from #TheOneRingRPG core book when I'm struck by a similarity from the old adventure at Minas Anghen from #MERP. Anybody remember that? It was in The Haunted Ruins of the Dunlendings. #TOR2e
Because I never saw a lily I didn't want to gild, I'm going to take this perfectly acceptable DEM of Middle Earth and fix ("fix") the geomorphological features I find problematic. First three things: soften the lakes in the Ettenmoors, flip the North Downs around so the drainages are oriented towards the Baranduin basin, and add the amon part of Amon Sûl.
#gis #lordoftherings #TOR2e #ttrpg
Waiting for the players to arrive for my first session of The One Ring. Excited to try this out, but I never feel “ready” for running a new system. #ttrpg #theonering #TOR2e
The One Ring 2E today! Celleneth, Warden of Mirkwood and Berendam, Captain of Gondor face off against a group of bandits - but these aren't necessarily capital-E Evil folks, just greedy and ambitious. When does making poor life choices become service to the Enemy?
(I mean if this were Dogs in the Vineyard I know what the answer would be and how it would be conveyed)
Something to ponder about the morality, implicit or explicit, in games.
Good solid game of The One Ring 2E this evening. The player-heroes (a Captain of Gondor and a Mirkwood-elf Warden on a nebulous mission from Mithrandir) scouted the northern Weather Hills and found a camp of brigands holed up in Barad Thoron. After some observation and discussion of strategy they walked right up to the camp and hit them with an Awe introduction leading to a Bold council. Sadly, the duo missed the Resistance target so it looks like a fight next session.