Sci-Fi 5: Torchwood: Children of Earth – July 6, 2009
The #DoctorWho spinoff #Torchwood was darker by design. When it's third series premiered on July 6, 2009 with the title "Children of Earth," audiences would be challenged with a five-episode arc that threatened the decimation of Earth's population of children.
Wir schauen gerade Top Gun. Ich wusste bis eben nicht, dass Captain Jack Harkness mitspielt. Er nennt sich hier allerdings Maverick.
#TopGun #drwho #TORCHWOOD
So, I've never watched #Broadchurch before and in the first five minutes, there's already
1 Doctor Who
1 Who Companion
I haven't even seen #DavidTennant yet.
Apparently, there's a #Torchwood alumni in it too but I dunno if that's this first series I'm watching.
The only other thing that can keep up with Who for celeb Brit actor spotting is #MidsomerMurders or, back in the day, #TheBill.
#doctorwho #britishactors #smallworld #thebill #midsomermurders #TORCHWOOD #davidtennant #broadchurch
I listened to Dissected, which is an audio drama by Tim Foley and has Gwen Cooper and Martha Jones catching up as friends over a mysterious dead body. Loved it! Both Martha and Gwen felt like old friends of mine, too. And the story telling mechanichs (we hear what the "dead" body hears) worked really well.
Can clearly see Ianto's Shrine in the image.
The impromptu shrine appeared shortly after the #Torchwood character Ianto Jones was killed off the show.
More info here...
@AmandaRex Captain Jack Purrbucket of the Underfoot Purrbuckets, on the other hand, loves the belly rubs.
#doctorwho #TORCHWOOD #cats #tabbietuxedo
#RIP actor #MurrayMelvin. We will rewatch his first #Torchwood appearance tonight. That was already due for a watch soon, next in a rewatch. What a marvellous career he had.
#Torchwood with the cast of #MarriedWithChildren
#TORCHWOOD #marriedwithchildren #unwantedtvreboots #HashtagGames
#Torchwood-kuunnelmia: Ihmisiä syövä home on aiheena puhdasta kehokauhua. Pahimpia kohtia jouduin vähän hyppimään yli, sillä ääninäytteleminen on todella tehokasta ja hirveää. Tarina on kuitenkin kekseliäs. Kaoottinen tilanne tuntuu aidolta ja ratkaisut on tehtävä nopeasti, ilman riittävää tietoa tapahtumista.
#Torchwood-kuunnelmia: Gwen Cooper kuljeskelee aavekaupungissa ymmärtämättä, mitä oikeastaan on tapahtunut. Lopulta hän kohtaa äänen, joka ilkkuu: jos katsot minua kolme kertaa, kuolet.
#Torchwood-kuunnelmia: Fall to Earth on eräänlainen pakohuonepeli, jossa Ianto Jones on ainoa eloonjäänyt (tai ainakin luulee olevansa) avaruusaluksessa, joka putoaa kohti maata. Hänen on ratkaistava tilanne niillä välineillä, joita hänellä on aluksessa käytettävissään.
@wilsonlives I know it’s not what you’re probably looking for but BF’s monthly #Torchwood range is consistently fantastic.
My review of the #Torchwood novel Border Princes by #DanAbnett
The fact that RTD took swashbuckling, omnisexual rogue “Captain” Jack Harkness and built grim dark angst-fest #Torchwood around him tells you everything you need to know about how the New Adventures turned out how they did.
I'm going to get better at pointing out when I've written something, promise!
This is one of my recent Blogtor Who reviews for Torchwood; Double.
It's an opportunity for Louise Jameson to really show what she's made of in a fantastic performance as Roberts, the dangerous, unpredictable, and fiercely intelligent Roberta Craven. It's the 1970s, it's the height of the oil crisis, and the Autons have a plan...
#DoctorWho #Torchwood #Autons #Double
#doctorwho #TORCHWOOD #autons #double
So could we be getting more #Torchwood, or a return from some of the #SarahJaneAdventures cast? Whatever happens from what #RTD is saying it looks like the #DisneyPlus investment in #DoctorWho is being invested in building a similar property to the #StarWars or #Marvel franchises.
#marvel #starwars #doctorwho #disneyplus #rtd #sarahjaneadventures #TORCHWOOD
I was aware of the obvious #DoctorWho threads - #Torchwood, Class, #TargetBooks, Sarah-Jane Adventures and the Doctors #BigFinish Audio.
But have just gone down a labyrinthine rabbit hole whilst looking into what else is out there!
About 2 lifetimes worth of books, comics, audios…..
#doctorwho #TORCHWOOD #targetbooks #bigfinish
Listened to Torchwood: Night of the Fendahl. Makes the Fendahl even scarier than on TV. Proper horror movie stuff. Eve Myles excellent as always.