Former African leaders' mediation efforts under scrutiny
#Africa #UhuruKenyatta #OlusegunObasanjo #AfricanUnion #AU #DRC #DemocraticRepublicofCongo #Ethiopia #TPLF #AbiyAhmed
#abiyahmed #TPLF #ethiopia #democraticrepublicofcongo #drc #au #AfricanUnion #olusegunobasanjo #UhuruKenyatta #africa
Ethiopia seeks national healing after Tigray peace treaty
#Ethiopia #TPLF #AbiyAhmed #Amhara #Afar #AmnestyInternational
#amnestyinternational #AFAR #Amhara #abiyahmed #TPLF #ethiopia
Il governo etiope ha annunciato che non siederà al tavolo dei negoziati con il braccio armato del Fronte di Liberazione Oromo, alleato del #TPLF|Sinistra tigrina nel conflitto contro le forze federali etiopi.
Il governo ha motivato questa decisione dicendo che il Fronte di Liberazione Oromo non ha "una catena di comando o un'agenda politica".
More on this important #Peace agreement - which - as Martin Plaut points out - is not between #Ethiopia and the #TPLF but with #Tigray forces.
Had Tigray region not been entirely cut off this war and famine and the violence would have been seared into our consciousness and action and aid, as the Ethiopian #famine was in 1980s 3/
#famine #Tigray #TPLF #ethiopia #peace
RT @ZennerBXL: Yesterday I spoke at the sixth and concluding seminar with the title "Future Regulation of Third-Party Litigation Funding" at @erasmusuni. I clarified that @EP_Legal does by no means want to ban #TPLF but wants to make sure that harmed claimants get the redress they deserve.
#Ethiopia has entered its second year of war against the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front or the #TPLF. Once a peacemaker, Nobel Peace Prize winner PM Abiy now stands accused of ethnic cleansing.
VICE News:
#ethiopia #TPLF #nobelpeaceprize
#Ethiopia has entered its second year of war against the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front or the #TPLF. Once a peacemaker, Nobel Peace Prize winner PM Abiy now stands accused of ethnic cleansing.
VICE News:
#ethiopia #TPLF #nobelpeaceprize
#TPLF’s renewed invasion in Kilbeti Resu Zone, Afar Region displaces over 300,000 people – Welcome to Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C #ethiopia
TPLF captured the #Ethiopian town of Nifas Mewcha during their offensive in the Amhara & Afar regions. Dozens of women reported being raped in the occupation.
Filmed from behind to protect their identities.
*CW: sexual violence*
Watch "Women Accuse #TPLF of Mass Rape | The War on #Ethiopia Dispatch 2"
The side that exactly started this war is finally coming out now that TPLF are withdrawing from Afar and Ahmara regions, areas they occupied since July. It's very clear TPLF officials were not ready peace negotiation because they were first undermining Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
Rebellious soldiers used government tanks to attack their former comrades in a military base in the first chaotic days of Ethiopia’s month-long war in the region of Tigray, according to two soldiers caught in what they described as a 10-day siege.
Inside a military base in Ethiopia's Tigray: soldiers decry betrayal by former comrades | Reuters #Ethiopia #TPLF #Africa
Ich befürchte, dass auf die zahlreichen Kriegsverbrechen, insbesondere (aber wohl nicht nur) der äthiopischen Truppen, nun Rache folgen könnte. Und es gibt keine ordnende Kraft, die sich wirkungsvoll für einen Waffenstillstand einsetzen und diesen absichern könnte.
RT @ThomasVLinge
#Ethiopia 🇪🇹: statement by the #TPLF-government regarding the recapture of #Mekelle.
The TPLF makes clear it will abide by any ceasefire and t…
#tigray #ethiopia #TPLF #Mekelle
RT @ThomasVLinge
#Ethiopia 🇪🇹: the military balance in #Tigray has completely flipped in a matter of days. #TPLF (#TDF) rebels now seem in a position to recover almost lost ground east of the Tekeze river as the federal government has lost the stomach to fight.
Unclear what #Eritrea will do now.
#ethiopia #tigray #TPLF #tdf #eritrea
The current #WorldHealthOrganization (#WHO) chef #TedrosAdhanom is a EX MEMBER of the political party #TPLF (Tygray People Liberation Front) and #MLLT who were communist/Marxist party. And right NOW #TigrayGenocide is trending on twitter:
#worldhealthorganization #WHO #TedrosAdhanom #TPLF #MLLT #TigrayGenocide
Risking life for job, as they know, once back to India, they will lose lives hunting jobs! #TPLF #TigrayGenocide
"Amid #Ethiopia war, stranded Indians unwilling to return over job concerns | World News,The Indian Express"
#TPLF #TigrayGenocide #ethiopia