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Cool, eigentlich wollte ich am WE das #filament #tpu testen, konnte aber nicht anders. Habe meinen #3ddrucker und Cura neu eingestellt und einen kleinen Testdruck gemacht (siehe Bild) und es hat auf Anhieb funktioniert.
Man kann es Super bewegen, sehr flexibel. Ich bin echt beeindruckt. Was für zusätzliche Möglichkeiten.
#filament #TPU #3ddrucker #3ddruck
Kleine Frage in die #3ddruck Bubble.
Ich habe heute #tpu #filament erhalten. Besitze den Ender-3 S1 Pro mit Klipper. Hat jemand Erfahrung mit welchen Einstellungen gute Ergebnisse zu erreichen sind?
Am besten Temperatur Nozzle, Temperatur Bett und die Geschwindigkeit und dann werde ich mal testen, bin echt gespannt auf die Ergebnisse.
Thx im Voraus.
#3ddrucker #3dprinting
#3ddruck #TPU #filament #3ddrucker #3dprinting
I wounder if a #Coral #TPU has enough power to do it as accelerator since I work on like super low end systems.
Like worse than #LowSpecGamer and #BudgetBuilds:
#budgetbuilds #lowspecgamer #TPU #coral
@AndrewRiddell1 To be fair #Racism is only part of the #TPU #TaxPayersUnion grift. Racism is used to fool white supremacists into supporting them, they really don't care if you're white, brown or green. The hard working and taxpaying people are the biggest obstacle in their pursuit of total power and control. The wealth and greed the #TPU represent is what we should be very afraid of. #NZPol
#racism #TPU #taxpayersunion #nzpol
@AndrewRiddell1 Seeing your post was quite a revelation in that I have not thought about the #TPU since leaving the musky birdsite.
Federal prosecutors have charged two men in the Christmas Day #substation attacks in #PierceCounty that caused power outages and allegedly $3 million in damage.
Prosecutors say the men attacked two #Tacoma Power and two #PugetSound Energy substations
Greenwood, in a statement to law enforcement after his arrest and being read Miranda rights, said he and Crahan had been planning to disrupt power to commit a #burglary, according to the complaint.
After the morning attacks, Greenwood said they went to a local business, drilled out a lock and entered to steal from a cash register, according to the complaint.
#substation #piercecounty #tacoma #pugetsound #burglary #poweroutage #TPU #pse
Vandalism at three power substations in western #Washington early Sunday cut power to about 14,000 customers
Two of the break-ins were at Tacoma Public Utilities #TPU substations and the third was at a Puget Sound #Energy station #PSE
#Tacoma Public Utilities reported vandalism at about 5:30 a.m. at one #substation followed by vandalism at a second substation
Puget Sound Energy (PSE) also reported vandalism at about 2:30 a.m. causing a power #outage at one of its substations.
"There's a good possibility they are related, we are going to be investigating to see if this was coordinated by a specific group or people, but at this time all we know is that we have burglaries where the #power was purposefully knocked out"
- No public statement from PSE found on PSE website or social media - "The company is investigating, along with authorities, and declined to comment further"
#washington #TPU #energy #pse #tacoma #substation #outage #power #Graham #piercecounty
Frage an die geneigte #fahrradbubble @fedibikes_de :
Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit aus thermoplastischem Polyurethan #TPU gefertigten Schläuchen, und weiß daher, ob die so einen Dorn wie Bild pannenfrei überstehen (wie das Marketing gerne suggeriert)?
Wenn ja, welche Größe nimmt man bei 35-622: Pirelli hat z.B. 28-35 und 35-45 im Sortiment?
Gefühlt den größeren, weil der sich dann ja nicht so ausdehnen aka dünner werden muss...
Gerne #boost , danke!
I love designing and #3dprinting #functionalprints. I print with a #Prusa Mk3 and I design with #Fusion360. I share my designs at and
#PETG is my material of choice, but I also use #PLA, #TPU, and #ABS
#abs #TPU #pla #petg #fusion360 #prusa #functionalPrints #3dprinting
Getting a #Coral #TPU #generic #linux module ready for #space -
#cubesat 1/3 in the Danish Student Cubesat Project DISCOSAT @ IT University of #Copenhagen
#satellite #LEO
#leo #satellite #copenhagen #cubesat #space #linux #generic #TPU #coral
For #Aucklanders, it's a crazy year for #slugs for those of us lucky enough to have a #garden. Here's my daily summary of collected slugs based on weather conditions. And sadly, all are imported species.
(this post inspired by certain #nzpol podcasts and the deliberately deceptive pitching of #freespeech by the #TPU)
#Aucklanders #slugs #garden #nzpol #freespeech #TPU
Empty Spools Make Useful Tools, Like Counters
#3Dprinterfilamentspool #greenhacks #MiscHacks #smoothrod #counter #TPU
#3Dprinterfilamentspool #greenhacks #MiscHacks #smoothrod #counter #TPU
3D Printed Strain-Wave Gearbox Turns Up the Torque
#powertransmission #strainwavegear #harmonicdrive #wavegenerator #MiscHacks #gearbox #spline #PLA #TPU
#powertransmission #strainwavegear #harmonicdrive #wavegenerator #MiscHacks #Gearbox #spline #pla #TPU
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit #TPU Filament in einem #Ender3v2 ? Würde das gerne testen, lese aber im Netz unterschiedlichste Berichte von „klar, einfach wie PLA rein und gut“ bis „erstmal Direct Drive installieren, dann mit viel Glück“
…was denn nun? #3Ddruck #3dprint
Meine bisherigen Drucke (mit PLA) sind sehr zufriedenstellend gewesen, hier zwei Beispiele:
#TPU #ender3v2 #3ddruck #3dprint
quote :
#聯發科 成功拿下 #Google 新一代 #TPU 大單,且將在 #台積電 7奈米製程投片量產,預計將在第四季開始放量生產,並開始挹注業績
Any #ML seniors here? I try to understand if you can make use of a #TPU when training #tensorflow (lite) models for custom object detection?
#ml #TPU #tensorflow #python #machinelearning #computervision #cv