"Europe’s best #tramdrivers meet in #Leipzig on May 21, 2022 to find out who’s best on track. Twenty-five teams from nineteen nations will compete in seven disciplines for the popular #TRAMEMCup. In addition to titleholder #Brussels and host Leipzig, teams from #Barcelona, #Basel, #Berlin, #Brno, #Budapest, #Dublin, #Florence, #Frankfurt, #Hanover, #Kyiv, #Kosice, #Kraków, #Luxembourg, #Lviv, #Lyon, #Oradea, #Porto, #Sofia, #Stockholm, #Stuttgart, #Vienna, and #Zaragoza will be part of the competitions. Special highlight: in the 10th year of the TRAM-EM, a team from #Melbourne will take part in the event for the first time. The Australians operate the largest tram network in the world."
#melbourne #zaragoza #vienna #stuttgart #stockholm #sofia #porto #Oradea #lyon #lviv #luxembourg #Kraków #Kosice #kyiv #hanover #frankfurt #florence #dublin #budapest #brno #berlin #basel #barcelona #brussels #TRAMEMCup #leipzig #tramdrivers