"All your parcel are belong to us – Talk at Troopers 2023" by Florian Bausch
At Troopers 2023, we gave a talk on how to attack DHL parcel tracking information based on OSINT. Since we previously had an exemplary disclosure process about this attack with DHL, Mr. Kiehne (from DHL) joined us to provide interesting background information and insights and how they addressed our findings. We want to thank DHL […]…
#Misc, #DHL, #Parcels, #talk, #TROOPERS
#Misc #dhl #parcels #talk #TROOPERS
I will be trainer and speaker at #Troopers 2023 in Heidelberg.
- Training about attacking Kubernetes
- Talk about Ceph filesystem forensics
I'm looking forward to meeting great people.
#TROOPERS #cybersecurity #itsec #itsecurity
Student:innen haben bei der #Troopers die Möglichkeit vergünstigt reinzukommen. Dafür ist dann ein Motivationsschreiben einzureichen: https://troopers.de/students/
"Summary of “Software-Defined Radio applied to security assessments” at Troopers21" by Max Kunzelmann
The training Software-Defined Radio applied to security assessments was held by Sébastien Dudek at Troopers21 and was remotely organized – like most other events – due to Covid-19. Once we were all caffeinated, we had an exciting journey through basically all things radio. We started with the technical and physical basics in radio technology, …