RT Lorenzo Vella
This morning I had the pleasure of addressing the launch of the Online Pre-Departure Integration Measures Project in #Malta funded by the #EU via the #TSI, implemented by the @UNmigration in cooperation with the @RightsMalta & @EU_reforms
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vellalor/status/1684243813211025422
Die Effizienz hier knallt ja so laut durch die Decke, dass es ein Fest ist.
Geplant: Zug nach #TSI, Lok zurück, Pause, Lok nach TSI, Zug zurück. Die zwei Fahrten mit der leeren Lok haben wir uns jetzt gespart, ich bleibe bis zu meinem Zug zurück in Sindelfingen. Bedeutet aber auch: 8 h im Dienst für ca 4,5 h Arbeit.
Tot macht man sich hier nicht 😁.
#lokfuehrer #DBCargo #deutschebahn #eisenbahn #TSI
RT EU Reform Support 🇪🇺
💡Very inspiring speeches and exchanges around possible reform ideas today in Athens during the #TSI 2024 roll-out, organized in collaboration with the @Europarl_EL & @EEAthina representations in 🇬🇷. https://t.co/xiak0XpDix
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_reforms/status/1680893320795414528
RT EU Reform Support 🇪🇺
🌊Glad to support an important #TSI project on #water management reform and National Water Loss Reduction Plan in 🇭🇷.
🙌Many thanks to the 🇸🇰 State Secretary Mario Šiljeg for the exchange about the progress of the project and future needs in this area. https://t.co/az8VPj3hn7
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_reforms/status/1676612151404818432
📍Vrlo produktivan sastanak danas u 🇭🇷 s ministrom Ivanom Malenicom, predstavnicima @rh_mpu i direktoricom @Nathaliedberger.
🙌#TSI je spreman podržati više projekata u područjima e-pravosuđa, borbe protiv korupcije, evaluacije politika i pružanja usluga u sljedećem krugu 2024.
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EU Reform Support 🇪🇺: 📍Very productive meeting today in 🇭🇷 with Minister Ivan Malenica, @rh_mpu representatives and Director @Nathaliedberger.
🙌#TSI is ready to support more projects in the areas of e-judiciary, anti-corruption, policy evaluation & service delivery in the next 2024 round. https://t.co/ZhKrJuasPp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1676555901044510721
RT Alessandra Flora
The @Library_RIA in #Dublin was the perfect venue for the 2024 Technical Support Instrument roll-out in #Ireland @IRLDeptPER #reforms @eurireland @Babsmaylou #TSI 🇮🇪 📖📚 @philipmcgrath @EU_reforms https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MarioNava/status/1676163902038503424 https://t.co/jFWgTmTONi
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Mario Nava: Very inspiring to open the 🇮🇪 Technical Support Instrument 🇪🇺🤝 2024 roll-out at the Royal Irish Academy 📚 https://t.co/8VPDTvZ7oG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/aleflora/status/1676238740799275009
#Dublin #Ireland #reforms #TSI
RT EU Reform Support 🇪🇺
Thanks for the interest and engagement of the Irish Authorities in the Technical Support Instrument #TSI today at the wonderful @Library_RIA 🇮🇪 @philipmcgrath #reforms 🇪🇺 https://t.co/zdU4124EDD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_reforms/status/1676263812637286401
👇 extremely important issue
Not only talent, also efficiency and accountability
Public administrations are there to help find solutions for the people 💪
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Lawrence Meredith 🇪🇺: 💡 How to attract and retain talent in public administrations?
One of the many topics discussed in the first exchange under the 🇪🇺#TSI PACE flagship implemented via #EUTaiex
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1674158016159940615
Glad to see the Technical Support Instrument #TSI pilot for exchange of civil servants in full swing.
Officials from 17 🇪🇺 Member States are learning from one another to increase expertise on #greenbudgeting, in support of the objectives of the EU #GreenDeal.
1/2 https://t.co/T7Ya5GMDas
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1673303967491661826
#TSI #greenbudgeting #GreenDeal
➡️PACE - projekt #TSI (Istrument za tehnično podporo 🇪🇺) za izmenjavo javnih uslužbencev v praksi. 👇
Uradniki iz 17 drž. EU, tudi Slovenije🇸🇮, izmenjujejo izkušnje, da bi povečali strokovno znanje o #greenbudgeting v podporo ciljem EU #GreenDeal.
🔗https://reform-support.ec.europa.eu/what-we-do/revenue-administration-and-public-financial-management/supporting-implementation-green-budgeting-practices-eu_sl https://n.respublicae.eu/ElisaFerreiraEC/status/1673303967491661826
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Elisa Ferreira: Glad to see the Technical Support Instrument #TSI pilot for exchange of civil servants in full swing.
Officials from 17 🇪🇺 Member States are learning from one another to increase expertise on #greenbudgeting, in support of the objectives of the EU #GreenDeal.
1/2 https://t.co/T7Ya5GMDas
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1673319173533884421
#TSI #greenbudgeting #GreenDeal
RT EU Reform Support 🇪🇺
🙌Very productive meeting with 🇸🇰Deputy Prime Minister @VasakovaLivia and Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization on effective use of 🇪🇺structural funds.
🎯#TSI already in motion to support this key government priority. https://t.co/KfGwDtsQZ3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_reforms/status/1671911026038538246
RT EU Reform Support 🇪🇺
🙌We are proud to help 🇧🇬, 🇬🇷 and 🇷🇴 enhance the strategic tax administration reforms and to kick off the project in 🇷🇴Mamaia, together with the @imfcapdevt.
🧮A TADAT diagnosis of the health of the #tax administrations will be performed as a start of the #reform.
#EUTaiex #TSI https://t.co/0awAzS9YXI
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_reforms/status/1672252528421904387
Do not miss tomorrow the ERA webinar on the #TSI Revison Package 2023 to get detailed insights into the key changes making rail more efficient, safer, and competitive while decarbonizing our economy. 🌱 🚅 👉 https://bit.ly/43nziGa
#TSI2023 #transport #ERAwebinars
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ERA_railways/status/1668904059749773314
#TSI #TSI2023 #Transport #ERAwebinars
📣 Save the date for the next ERA webinar "TSI Revision Package 2023 - Key Changes (Part II - Fixed Installations and Operation)" on 6 July 2023!
#TSI #interoperability #railways https://t.co/N4A2ZBbMeu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ERA_railways/status/1670717924825264129
#TSI #interoperability #railways
RT @DrLMelchor: Today, we welcome 14 trainees from 7 🇪🇺 Member States to Brussels for #TSI reforms! Over 4 days, they will be equipped with the tools to train scientists in effectively engaging in #Science4Policy practices and delivering policy impact. Training material: https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/dataset/k4p-dataset-44904_en https://t.co/Hp88ApqmB2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ScienceHub/status/1668302449768116235
RT @EU_reforms: 💻This afternoon @EU_MarioNava presented to 🇱🇺 the #TSI and the novelties that offers for 2024.
🇱🇺 is already leading the Multi-country project on how to design and implement evidence-based staff management policies and #reforms.
🔜Looking forward to continue the collaboration! https://t.co/9BkEeorTcY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1667205436410322944
RT @EU_reforms: 🤝We are committed with 🇨🇿@MinFinCZ through #TSI to improve public spending through the implementation of spending reviews.
💡The introduction of a performance budgeting framework #SpendingReview will build a stronger economy for 🇨🇿 citizens. https://t.co/AlvNd25vB6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEK_Praha/status/1666839402931183617
Eiropas Komisija uzsāk 2024. g. tehniskā atbalsta instrumentu #TSI plānošanu.
#TSI programma dalībvalstīm sniedz konsultācijas, pētījumus, apmācības un piedāvā ekspertu palīdzību. Līdz šim Latvija ir saņēmusi atbalstu 52 projektu īstenošanai, no kuriem jau veiksmīgi noslēgti 29.
RT @EU_reforms: 📣Today, we have launched the #TSI 2024 in 🇱🇻!
🙌 Big thanks to the Latvian authorities for their warm welcome and interesting discussions on their upcoming priorities and o…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1665771455521468416
EK Strukturālo reformu atbalsta ģenerāldirektorāta @EU_reforms ģenerāldirektors @EU_MarioNava šodien darba vizītē 🇱🇻Rīgā ar finanšu ministra padomnieku Intu Dālderi pārrunāja nepieciešamās reformas, prioritātes un 🇪🇺 tehniskā atbalsta instrumenta #TSI piedāvātās iespējas.
RT @EU_MarioNava: Very nice to start the Latvian 🇱🇻 Technical Support Instrument with a meeting with Mr Ints Dālderis at the Ministry of finance 💶. Discussing about 🇱🇻 #reform priorities and poss…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1665762155172339715
The upcoming #TSI package 2023 brings simplified authorization procedures, enhanced #safety measures, and cost reduction.
Join our #webinar on 15 June to get detailed insights into the key changes, making rail more efficient, safer, and competitive 👉 https://bit.ly/43nziGa
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ERA_railways/status/1665655009495711746