I'm gonna try to do an #Introduction here
My Name Beatrix and I'm a late 20's Transfem (∅/she/it) from the middle east working as a nurse while closeted #trans #nonbinary
I like playing #osrs and #ffxiv and many other games but mostly just osrs these days as a stimming toy.
which yeah i have #adhd and #autism with a mix of #depression and #anxiety
I also like watching all kinds of movies and anime. And I enjoy listening to metal, namely Power metal and Melodic death metal. #metal
I'd say my favorite anime is probably #symphogear
other shows i like are #bakemonogatari #FMA #TTGL
for manga I like #onepiece #CSM and im kinda behind on it but #MHA
This is getting too long so I hope this is a good introduction to the world here about who I am (plus might be helpful to copy paste it elsewhere if needed)
#Introduction #trans #nonbinary #OSRS #ffxiv #adhd #autism #depression #anxiety #metal #symphogear #bakemonogatari #fma #TTGL #onepiece #csm #mha
I like how Trigger people (who worked on TTGL at Gainax) decided that if it ain't broken no need to fix it