RT @tudresden_de@twitter.com
Weltraumforschung in der #Lausitz: 🪐 Anfang April startet in #Görlitz der Aufbau des Deutschen Zentrums für #Astrophysik. Nach der Aufbauphase sollen 1.000 Arbeitsplätze entstehen sowie ein neuer Studiengang an der #TUDresden, berichtet @MDR_SN@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tudresden_de/status/1640260331149705216
#lausitz #gorlitz #astrophysik #TUdresden
Time for a proper #introduction, using all the hashtags to help build #networks of #care
Hi! I'm Solvejg and work in #literaryStudies and #CulturalStudies at the #German department in #Dresden (#TUdresden to be exact) started out with #catastrophes and #historyOfScience in a book on the #TunguskaEvent.
Most of what I do happens in #EnvironmentalHumanities - I'm interested in #Climate and #Wilderness narratives and right now I focus on #plants. I'm writing a book on #trees and how they turn into #archives, #ghosts and #monsters...I get really excited about it all, as you'll see 😁
One of the main reasons for me to be active on social media is a personal (as well as academic) interest in #sciComm #WissKomm. There is just no way to do the work without listening to others!
Looking forward to connecting with y'all 😉
#Wisskomm #scicomm #monsters #ghosts #archives #trees #Plants #wilderness #climate #EnvironmentalHumanities #TunguskaEvent #historyofscience #catastrophes #TUdresden #dresden #german #culturalstudies #literaryStudies #care #networks #introduction