Non sei se a #TVG faino á mantenta ou non, mais son moitísimas as veces que entrevistan a expertos e a xente da rúa e contestan en castelán... Non debería ser política activa da televisión pública de Galiza emitir, salvo excepcións moi xustificadas, só a aquela xente que responda en galego?
In 2022 Cork Printmakers began a programme to support artists from marginalised communities, one of those artists is Leanne McDonagh from the travelling community. Today she returned to our studio with six young artists from the Travellers Visibility Group in Cork, to introduce them to printmaking and teach them how to create and develop their own work around identity with some great results.
#InFromTheMargins #StudiosOfSanctuary #IrishTraveller #TravellerVisibilityGroup #Cork #TVG
#InFromTheMargins #StudiosOfSanctuary #irishtraveller #TravellerVisibilityGroup #cork #TVG
In 2022 Cork Printmakers began a programme to support artists from marginalised communities, one of those artists is Leanne McDonagh from the travelling community. Today she returned to our studio with six young artists from the Travellers Visibility Group in Cork, to introduce them to printmaking and teach them how to create and develop their own work around identity with some great results.
#InFromTheMargins #StudiosOfSanctuary #IrishTraveller #TravellerVisibilityGroup #Cork #TVG
#InFromTheMargins #StudiosOfSanctuary #irishtraveller #TravellerVisibilityGroup #cork #TVG
Representado pola reacción de Miguel Canalejo.
#LandRober #LRClubDoChiste #TVG
#LandRober #LRClubDoChiste #TVG