Scifi-horror & dark humor podcast, Democracy Jones.
#audiodrama #audiodramas #podcast #podcasts #horror #horrorpodcast #sciencefictionpodcast #TWD #thewalkingdead #scifiaction
#audiodrama #audiodramas #podcast #podcasts #horror #horrorpodcast #sciencefictionpodcast #TWD #thewalkingdead #scifiaction
Ok. The ministory in #TWD S11ep6 starring Connie & Virgil is a fantastic homage to the "House of Horrors" subgenre.
Easily the top among a series that was long-drawn & ridiculously dramatic because of its constant need to "up the stakes" for most of its run.
This is how its done.
I can't help but wonder if TWD could've benefited more with less long drawn soap-opera & more efficient, concise stories like this.
I mean, on the whole, this one runs for less than 30min. total is, in my opinion,
scifi-horror & dark humor podcast, Democracy Jones.
#PodcastAndChill #podcasts #PodcastRecommendations #horror #horrorpodcast #scifiart #sciencefictionpodcast #LISA #TrumpAnnouncement #ArgentinaVsFrance #HenryCavill #AvatarTheWayOfWater #TWD
#PodcastandChill #podcasts #PodcastRecommendations #horror #horrorpodcast #scifiart #sciencefictionpodcast #lisa #trumpannouncement #argentinavsfrance #henrycavill #AvatarTheWayOfWater #TWD
The Walking Dead Season 11 ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ #TWD #trakt
Enjoyed the season 11 finale for ‘The Walking Dead’ much more than I expected. For a show that has long outlived its welcome, the final episode nicely set up three more spin-offs and provided satisfying closure to a number of story arcs. However, ‘The Walking Dead’ has been shambling along for some time now and it’s going to take something really special to truly reinvigorate the franchise. #TheWalkingDead #TWD
#TWD 行尸走肉完结撒花,追了12年了。 男主最后的最后还是看到了,不过是在来年的衍生剧里了 :0070: 。 话说国外的剧如果角色现实有事情就会相应的影响剧情走向,国内的则会换人?
#TWD 行尸走肉完结撒花,追了12年了。 男主最后的最后还是看到了,不过是在来年的衍生剧里了 :0070: 。 话说国外的剧如果角色现实有事情就会相应的影响剧情走向,国内的则会换人?
In honor of "The Walking Dead" series finale today - sharing this promotional sticker by Logic Solutions on the importance of #geography
#TheWalkingDead #TWDFinale #TWD #location #intelligence #GIS #geospatial #maps
#geography #thewalkingdead #twdfinale #TWD #location #intelligence #GIS #geospatial #maps
#thewalkingdead finale is just like every other #twd episode except that people who are alive still are now dying
RETWEET if you're watching the Series Finale of #TWD starting right now on and
12 years & I’ve been on board since day 1. I know there’s 127 spin-offs but not for me. For me, it’s over. I’ll never love another show like I loved LOST. But The Walking Dead is definitely a close 2nd. Thanks for the ride #TWD #TheWalkingDead
Tonight we walk with the dead for the last time. So in honor of that I am rewatching the very first episode of The Walking Dead. #thewalkingdead #TWD
a list of things I love
#Marvel #DC #MCU
#TWD #TheWalkingDead
#GameOfThrones #HouseOfTheDragon
#Reading #BookToot #Thrillers
#Music #Eidola #Spiritbox #Erra #HoldingAbsence #Paramore #FleetwoodMac #ABBA #TheBeatles #GretaVanFleet #Badflower
#marvel #dc #mcu #TWD #TheWalkingDead #gameofthrones #HouseOfTheDragon #starwars #reading #BookToot #thrillers #music #eidola #Spiritbox #erra #holdingabsence #paramore #fleetwoodmac #abba #thebeatles #gretavanfleet #badflower
#comicbooks #superheroes #lordoftherings #musicals #Lost #addamsfamily #TheMunsters #ParksandRecreation #Themightyboosh #TWD #Thewalkingdead #gameofthones #houseofthedragon
#comicbooks #superheroes #lordoftherings #musicals #lost #addamsfamily #TheMunsters #ParksandRecreation #Themightyboosh #TWD #Thewalkingdead #gameofthones #houseofthedragon