In this video I am picking my top 5 fountain pens under $100 AUD.
I briefly discuss each pen, do a writing sample, and then give my final thoughts on each.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #MoonmanT5 #MajohnT5 #MoonmanM800 #MajohnM800 #RobertOsterTerracotta #Jinhao100 #Jinhao100Centennial #JinhaoCentennial100 #JinhaoCentennial #DominantIndustryLake #NarwhalSchuylkill #TWSBIDiamond580 #TWSBIDiamond #TWSBI580 #DiamineYuleLog #Top5 #top5
#fountainpens #fountainpen #MoonmanM800 #MajohnM800 #Jinhao100 #JinhaoCentennial100 #JinhaoCentennial #DominantIndustryLake #NarwhalSchuylkill #TWSBIDiamond580 #TWSBIDiamond #TWSBI580 #DiamineYuleLog #fountainPenReview #penreview #MoonmanT5 #MajohnT5 #Robertosterterracotta #Jinhao100Centennial #top5
The latest Fountain Pen video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the TWSBI Diamond 580 fountain pen with Dominant Industry Winter Wood ink.
#fountainPenReview #fountainPenNetwork #fountainPenCollector #fountainPenAddict #fountainPenLover #fountainPenNerd #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #TWSBI #TWSBI580 #Diamond580 #TWSBIDiamond #DominantIndustry #DominantIndustryink #DominantIndustryWinterWood #WinterWood #WinterWood
#fountainPenNerd #fountainpen #penreview #DominantIndustryink #DominantIndustryWinterWood #fountainPenCollector #fountainpenaddict #fountainPenLover #twsbi #fountainpens #Diamond580 #fountainPenReview #fountainpennetwork #DominantIndustry #WinterWood #TWSBI580 #TWSBIDiamond