KenyaCoin ☑️ · @kenyacoin
94 followers · 1230 posts · Server

"Almost 4 billion people around the world remain unconnected."

"Taara’s links can relay high speed, high quality internet to people without the time, cost, and hassle involved in digging trenches or stringing cables along poles."

Bringing light-speed internet to Sub-Saharan Africa

#moonshot #alphabet #x #google #econet #liquidtelecom #mobile #mvno #wifi #wisp #isp #FSO #optic #fiber #data #connectivity #communication #network #internet #wireless #Taara #africa #kenya

Last updated 4 years ago

KenyaCoin ☑️ · @kenyacoin
94 followers · 1230 posts · Server

"Although Loon is going away, our commitment to connectivity isn’t. Today we’re pledging a fund of $10M to support nonprofits and businesses focussed on connectivity, Internet, entrepreneurship and education in Kenya."

"The road to commercial viability has proven much longer and riskier than hoped. So we’ve made the difficult decision to close down Loon."

Loon’s final flight

#alphabet #x #google #econet #Taara #data #connectivity #internet #balloons #loon #kenya

Last updated 4 years ago