Happy anniversary to John Waters film, ‘Polyester’. Filmed in “Odorama” and released in theaters this week in 1981. #polyester #johnwaters #divine #tabhunter #odorama
#polyester #johnwaters #divine #TabHunter #odorama
🎬 Screening now @ TCM. "Tab Hunter Confidential" the 2015 #documentary feature by #JeffreySchwarz.
#TCMParty #movies #actor #singer #TabHunter #GeorgeTakei #ComingOut #Divine #JohnWaters #queer #gay #LGBTQ+ #hollywood #TheCloset #heartthrob #debbiereynolds #clinteastwood #warnerbros
#warnerbros #singer #actor #gay #comingout #georgetakei #TCMParty #clinteastwood #debbiereynolds #heartthrob #thecloset #hollywood #lgbtq #Queer #JohnWaters #divine #TabHunter #Movies #jeffreyschwarz #Documentary
Happy anniversary to Paul Bartel’s film, ‘Lust In The Dust’. Released this week in 1985. #divine #lustinthedust #lainiekazan #tabhunter #cesarromero #cheapthisfurniturescheap #youretheonlywhoreinchileverde
#divine #lustinthedust #lainiekazan #TabHunter #cesarromero #cheapthisfurniturescheap #youretheonlywhoreinchileverde
Venetia Stevenson, ‘the most photogenic girl in the world’ who dated Elvis, quit acting for this reason
#VenetiaStevenson #Elvis #TabHunter
#venetiastevenson #elvis #TabHunter