Do you know about the Superpages in almost all of our chapters?
There are three versions in alphabetical order by topic: all content in the chapter, all images (you can select which types) and virtual slides only.
The Superpage links appear in the Table of Contents just before the alphabetical list of topics.
Note that they only work when accessed from our site – copying the link will not work.
#superpages #pathology #pathologyoutlines #chapters #textbook #tableofcontents
#superpages #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #chapters #textbook #TableOfContents
Gibt es im WP-Core immer noch keinen Block für ein einfaches Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)?
Auf einer Testsite mit Gutenberg Plugin konnte ich einen Table of Content-Block einfügen, aber nach der Umstellung auf WP6.2 Beta wurde er nicht mehr unterstützt.
Google it. Chris Coyier stellt in seinem Beitrag diverse Lösungen vor, und sein Favorit ist »SimpleToc« von Marc Tönsing. Klasse. Genau das, was ich gesucht hab.
#block #TableOfContents #wordpress
Let's break this down:
:4^M - go to line 4. 4gg would also work!
:r!SHELL^M - read the output of our shell command
I- ^[ - insert '- ' at the beginning of the line
w* - go to the next word, then find the next occurrence of that whole word
N - find the prevous ocurrence - should take us back where we were
vip:sort^M - select the #TableOfContents and sort it
n - go to our entry, wherever it sorted to
yy - and copy it
+w* - go to the *next* entry, and find the next occurrence
Is a table of contents worth it? Will i rank better with it? #seo #tableofcontents #SearchEngineOptimization #searchengine #google
#seo #TableOfContents #SearchEngineOptimization #searchengine #google
New in @SAAorg's AAP: AAP volume 10 issue 3 Cover and Front matter #archaeology #tableofcontents