I don't know how actively @meatcastle uses mastodon so dunno if/when he'll see this, but it sure would be funny if he were to push out a supplement of weapons and advanced classes for #TacticiansOfAhm now that I've once again gotten way too deply into it and started writing advanced classes for every basic class combination, like this Excorcist here
Joining in on the #5and5 bandwagon as I am weak against those.
Here's some systems in no particular order;
Recently played/ran:
1. Lamentations of the Flame Pricess #lotfp
2. #NeverGoingHome
3. #TacticiansOfAhm
4. Demon City & its 77 Vicious Princes #77Princes
5. #WrathAndGlory
Would like to run/play:
1. #STALKERrpg
2. #MörkBorg
3. #Mothership
4. #Troika
5. #Warlock / #Warpstar
#5and5 #lotfp #NeverGoingHome #TacticiansOfAhm #77Princes #wrathandglory #STALKERrpg #MörkBorg #mothership #troika #warlock #warpstar