Je pensais en avoir pour 3-4 heures de jeu sur le postlude de #TacticsOgreReborn évidemment j'en suis à plusieurs dizaines d'heures passées sur le donjon random à ouate mille niveaux que j'ai déjà pas mal essoré pendant la main story pour récolter du loot d'exception.
Je râle mais j'ai fini par buter le boss final de #TacticsOgreReborn Pas si hard si on passe la première phase sans trop souffrir. Malgré tout j'ai eu l'impression que sur mon dernier essai l'IA adverse faisait un peu n'importe quoi (des mages qui font des attaques physiques à 1pt de dégâts wtf) ce qui m'a permis de gérer la deuxième forme du boss sans trop de difficulté. Peut-être que le jeu a eu pitié de moi, je ne sais pas. On va tâter un peu du postlude en attendant #OctopathTravelerII
#TacticsOgreReborn #octopathtravelerii
#TacticsOgreReborn Quelle idée de définitivement gâcher l'expérience du joueur avec un gap de difficulté complètement dément, quels que soient le level et l'équipement de ton équipe, sur le dernier niveau après plus d'une centaine d'heures de jeu relativement pépères, sans possibilité de revenir en arrière, sans et avec un niveau max bloqué. Je déteste quand les RPG (tactiques ou autres) font ça.
I can't remember if I've posted before or not but I've fallen in love with this song yet again. I love #videogame #music and #tacticsogre #tacticsogrereborn has one of the best soundtracks.
Highly recommend playing this game if just for the soundtrack alone.
#squareenix #squaresoft #trpg #soundtrack #music #gaymer #gayming #audiophile
#videogame #music #tacticsogre #TacticsOgreReborn #squareenix #squaresoft #trpg #soundtrack #gaymer #gayming #audiophile
The story's a bit ややこしい in that it's just dumping information on me that is next to impossible to remember, but #TacticsOgreReborn is fuuuuuuuuun.
My personal #GOTY 🤙
#TacticsOgreReborn is perfect for hybrid consoles. I played it on #NintendoSwitch mostly in handheld mode but in chapter 3 it could take almost an hour to finish a battle, that's when you enjoy a big screen.
It should be a perfect game for #SteamDeck and it is one of the best TRPG, perfectly adjusted to meet todays standards of game play but still with the charm of 16 Bit🕹
I love it🤗
#goty #TacticsOgreReborn #nintendoswitch #SteamDeck
Die Spiele des Jahres 2022 – Platz 4 – #TacticsOgreReborn |
Tactics Ogre Reborn is incredible. I love turn based strategy games, ala FF Tactics, Front Mission, Advance Wars, and Reborn is top tier. I can’t believe how much content this game has, and so many secrets.
#tacticsogre #TacticsOgreReborn
#TacticsOgreReborn is a #tactical #RPG #game that not only recaptures the #joy of the original it is based on, but adds in a wealth of #improvements.
On #SteamDeck, it’s a #BestOnDeck game, though with a TDP and GPU tweak, you can add an hour of battery!
#TacticsOgreReborn #tactical #rpg #game #joy #improvements #SteamDeck #bestondeck
Nun eine Woche in der Mediathek🔊
Eine neue Folge Dr. Pongs Praxis vom Sonntag den 11. Dezember um 12:00 Uhr @_radiox 📻 FM 91,8 und im
Wir haben folgende Themen für euch:
#Fifa23 WM Modus
#TacticsOgreReborn 🕹
Dazu ein 50 Jahre alter Klassiker 🤙
#persona5royal #bayonetta #fifa23 #TacticsOgreReborn #pong
Eine neue Folge Dr. Pongs Praxis am Sonntag den 11. Dezember um 12:00 Uhr @_radiox 📻 FM 91,8 und im
Wir haben folgende Themen für euch geplant:
#Persona5Royal #Bayonetta3 Golf #NintendoSwitchSports #Fifa23 WM Modus und #TacticsOgreReborn 🕹
Dazu ein 50 Jahre alter Klassiker 🤙
#persona5royal #Bayonetta3 #nintendoswitchsports #fifa23 #TacticsOgreReborn
A couple of posts on #videogames coming up as I think back on 2022. It's been an interesting year. I love Tactical RPGs, but the genre has been on life support for ages with only #FireEmblem & #XCom remaining.
But this year: #SymphonyOfWar, #TacticsOgreReborn, #KingArthur, #LostEidolons, #MarvelMidnightSuns, #DiofieldChronicle, #ExpeditionsRome ... some of them are very classic, some are very innovative. Not all were great, but as a whole I've really been enjoying the revival of the genre.
#videogames #fireemblem #xcom #symphonyofwar #TacticsOgreReborn #KingArthur #losteidolons #marvelmidnightsuns #diofieldchronicle #expeditionsrome
Behold the most powerful magic in the land: GUN.
... Or not. Let's go with not.
#nintendoswitch #TacticsOgreReborn
In the Tactics Ogre universe, guns are a new and highly complicated weapon of war that must be painstakingly hand-crafted and custom-made and imported at a high price from the only continent in the world that knows the secret of how to make them: ... Australia, by the sound?
#nintendoswitch #TacticsOgreReborn
That feeling when you've had just about enough of this battle so you send Canpous to be like "nah, have a one-shot."
#nintendoswitch #TacticsOgreReborn
Patriarchs are Lizard Wizards, doing all your basic spellcaster stuff but they're a bit less squishy. Also they have Ivory Tower, an auto skill (has a random percent chance to proc at the start of every turn) that lets them just completely cancel up to two incoming physical attacks.
This archer saw "ooh, squishy wizard" and activated DOUBLE SHOT to shoot him TWICE even, but... well.
This was IMMENSELY satisfying.
#nintendoswitch #TacticsOgreReborn
No one's cattier than a Dark Knight scorned.
#nintendoswitch #TacticsOgreReborn
#introduction toot!
Hi, I'm Han and I'm a game lover, crafter, and pen pal.
I love all things #gaming, especially #JRPG and #TacticalRPG. Currently playing #TacticsOgreReborn and #PokemonSV (eagerly awaiting #FFVIICrisisCoreReunion!).
I'm a crafter! I #crochet, #crossStitch, and #embroider. I also dabble with watercolour and gouache. This usually seeps through in my letter-writing, and I try to send my pen pals long, thoughtful, creative letters.
#introduction #gaming #jrpg #TacticalRPG #TacticsOgreReborn #PokemonSV #FFVIICrisisCoreReunion #crochet #crossstitch #Embroider