“We all have a mental lab at our disposal, but most people don’t even know that they have access to a place that they can transform themselves. Therefore, they remain locked out. By the time they hit mid-life, the doors are wrapped with a rusty chain and dead bolted.”
- #DavidGoggins in his book Never Finished
🔥 💪 ❤️
#Hindsight #mentalhealth #courage #startnew #takeachance #vision #comfortzone #success #achievement #health #adhd #allin #weightloss #weightlossjourney #faithoverfear #mindset
#mindset #FaithOverFear #weightlossjourney #weightloss #allin #adhd #health #achievement #success #ComfortZone #vision #TakeAChance #startnew #courage #mentalhealth #hindsight #davidgoggins
#CognitiveDistortion example that really hits home:
"All or nothing thinking." - It leads to #perfectionism and I've had this for as long as I can remember.
Wow. Just learned about this connection from:
#Hindsight #mentalhealth #courage #startnew #takeachance #vision #motivation #inspiration #anxiety #depression #recovery #recoveryposse #goals #comfortzone #success #achievement #health #adhd #allin #weightloss #weightlossjourney #psychology #Faith #faithful
#faithful #faith #psychology #weightlossjourney #weightloss #allin #adhd #health #achievement #success #ComfortZone #goals #recoveryposse #recovery #depression #anxiety #inspiration #motivation #vision #TakeAChance #startnew #courage #mentalhealth #hindsight #perfectionism #cognitivedistortion
When you find supportive, understanding and #positive people out here, it's like building your own "team" of awesomeness! ❤️
We're all human and need support at times (and we can help others as well in our own ways).
I love this place!
#Hindsight #mentalhealth #courage #startnew #takeachance #vision #motivation #inspiration #anxiety #depression #recovery #recoveryposse #goals #comfortzone #success #achievement #health #adhd #allin #weightloss #weightlossjourney #faith #love #relationships
#relationships #love #faith #weightlossjourney #weightloss #allin #adhd #health #achievement #success #ComfortZone #goals #recoveryposse #recovery #depression #anxiety #inspiration #motivation #vision #TakeAChance #startnew #courage #mentalhealth #hindsight #positive