Today #selfcare looked like an unusual job interview, receiving help with my car, and throwing up to feel better.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #hireme #TakeYourMeds #ithinkeggsarenononow
Today #selfcare looked like cold beverages and more cold beverages with a side of cold showers and further cold beverages.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #doallpurpledrinkstastegrape #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like getting as much ac as I could, trying to help Rael with their job hunt while still working on mine, and high fiving a toddler.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #dontgiveup #drinkmorewater #iammelting #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare was getting company for my trip to pick someone up from the airport, lots of ice and water, and picking up some meds.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #dontgiveup #TakeYourMeds #shower #drinkmorewater #play
Today (all weekend) has been a bit of a struggle physically, but I made time to support friends in difficult scenarios, hydrate and keep cool my best, take my meds, and enjoy a bit of nerdgaming.
What did it look like for you?
#dontgiveup #TakeYourMeds #drinkmorewater
Today #selfcare looked like a nice shower, some Taskmaster, rolling with it when plans change due to situations beyond my control, and remembering to take my meds.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #dontgiveup #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like taking my meds, a piece of chocolate, trying to keep cool...
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #dontgiveup #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like a dozen more job applications and making sure Lash and Rael were doing apps as well. I have to stop being the 2nd best interviewee someday, right?
What did it look like for you?
#TakeYourMeds #DrinkMoreWater #Eat #Sleep #Play #TryingNotToBeUnhoused #FailingTho #GetYourselfThatCoffeeTho
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #drinkmorewater #eat #sleep #play #tryingnottobeunhoused #failingtho #getyourselfthatcoffeetho
Today #selfcare looked like securing rides to and from the airport, presenting trolley problems to my nerdgaming crew, and delegating dinner duties to Lash.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #naps #TakeYourMeds #watchsomepuppethustory
Today #selfcare looked like (re)speaking my truth and defining boundaries.
What did it look like for you?
#BeingAnAllyIsAVerbDamnIt #TakeYourMeds #BringMeBobaPlease #DrinkMoreWater #DoYouReadThese #EatSleepPlay
#selfcare #beinganallyisaverbdamnit #TakeYourMeds #bringmebobaplease #drinkmorewater #doyoureadthese #eatsleepplay
Today #selfcare looked like making a couple comic sales, taking meds, cold beverages.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like a couple hours rest, iced Chai w/ strawberry and white chocolate, and a second viewing of the D&D movie.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #drinkmorewater #eatsleepplay #stilltoohot
Today #selfcare looked like tone switching, masking, diplomacy, and feeding chosen family.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #drinkmorewater #eat #playwithbabies
Today #selfcare looked like distracting myself from negative thoughts with a lot of reading.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #eatplaysleep #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like failing to take care of errands, nerdy conversations with Rael, and scratching an incessant itch.
What did it look like for you?
#DrinkMoreWater #ItIsHotSoHydrate #SeriouslyNow #BlessedSolstice #TakeYourMeds
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #itishotsohydrate #seriouslynow #blessedsolstice #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like BBQ with friends and family, enjoying the kind wishes from y'all, and yucky barium sulfate solution for tomorrow's CT.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #thankyou #drinkmorewater #eatanyfood
Today #selfcare looked like reading for pleasure, water, Mean Girls, laundry, early birthday cake.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds #eat
Today #selfcare looked like remembering my meds, Cocoa Krispies, air conditioning, and continuing to ask for hard things.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds #eat
Today #selfcare looked like getting ID stuff handled for the kids at the DMV, not beating myself up for not doing the best at eating properly today, supporting my community, and reading more Starman.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #eat #TakeYourMeds #drinkmorewater
Today #selfcare looked like hydrating and finally revisiting a comic series of been meaning to for a good while now.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #drinkmorewater #TakeYourMeds #starman