Inspiring filmmakers:
#ChristopherNolan #jamescameron #eliroth #TiWest #chloezhao #michaelmann #StanleyKubrick #zacksnyder #TakeshiKitano #KathrynBigelow #Lovefilm #SupportCinema
La religion est un commerce : on reçoit du palpable et on donne de l'invisible.
#TakeshiKitano / Naissance d'un gourou (2005)
"Accident… The way I came to make movies is a bit like the way we come into the world. By accident."
When the local god of anger decides to puke on you!!!
#SetouchiTriennale #Shodoshima #KenjiYanobe #TakeshiKitano #art #anger #瀬戸内国際芸術祭 #瀬戸内国際芸術祭2022 #瀬戸芸 #小豆島 #ヤノベケンジ #ビートたけし
#setouchitriennale #shodoshima #kenjiyanobe #TakeshiKitano #art #anger #瀬戸内国際芸術祭 #瀬戸内国際芸術祭2022 #瀬戸芸 #小豆島 #ヤノベケンジ #ビートたけし
Far East Film Festival 24: gelso d’oro a “Miracle: Letters to the President” #cinema #fareastfilmfestival #kingmaker #leonorwillneverdie #MiracleLetterstothePresident #Oriente #Returntodust #TakeshiKitano #Toocooltokill
#Toocooltokill #TakeshiKitano #Returntodust #oriente #MiracleLetterstothePresident #leonorwillneverdie #kingmaker #fareastfilmfestival #cinema
Far East Film Festival 24: gelso d’oro a “Miracle: Letters to the President” #cinema #fareastfilmfestival #kingmaker #leonorwillneverdie #MiracleLetterstothePresident #Oriente #Returntodust #TakeshiKitano #Toocooltokill
#Toocooltokill #TakeshiKitano #Returntodust #oriente #MiracleLetterstothePresident #leonorwillneverdie #kingmaker #fareastfilmfestival #cinema
Far East Film Festival 24: gelso d’oro a “Miracle: Letters to the President” #cinema #fareastfilmfestival #kingmaker #leonorwillneverdie #MiracleLetterstothePresident #Oriente #Returntodust #TakeshiKitano #Toocooltokill
#Toocooltokill #TakeshiKitano #Returntodust #oriente #MiracleLetterstothePresident #leonorwillneverdie #kingmaker #fareastfilmfestival #cinema