#WinnipegBlueBombers have geared up & headed to northern #Manitoba this month, to give #FirstNations #youth a chance to try #football & #honour a #student for her work in #TakingAStand against #bullying .
Every March, players from the #Winnipeg #CFL team visit #schools across the province to present the #SamanthaMason FriendshipAward & talk with students about fostering #HealthyRelationships & creating #positive #cultures in their schools.
#winnipegbluebombers #manitoba #firstnations #youth #football #honour #student #TakingAStand #bullying #winnipeg #cfl #schools #samanthamason #healthyrelationships #positive #cultures #athletes #canada #antibullying
Oh no. Looks like I have to act (re: the evil entity) before* getting to speak* with them (the good guys). Because. Who knows when they'll have time to talk to me. That may be too late. 😶
I don't want to lose the very good thing I got right now. But that is* a possibility.* Because there's no way I'm giving in to the big bully that is cornering and trying to own little folks like me. 😐 #NotGivingIn #TakingAStand