Custom-manufactured and personalised with my name ON the label?! Does this mean I can name my computer "Computy McComputerface"?
#IBM #Tandy #Windows31 #Windows #Microsoft #MicrosoftWindows #Intel #PC #RadioShack
#radioshack #pc #intel #microsoftwindows #microsoft #windows #windows31 #Tandy #ibm
Chose your fighter 😛
#RetroComputing #VintageTechnology #VintageComputer #VintageComputing #Retro #RetroTech #RetroComputers #VintageElectronics #RetroHardware #Tandy #Ad #Coloured
#coloured #ad #Tandy #retrohardware #vintageelectronics #retrocomputers #retrotech #retro #vintagecomputing #vintagecomputer #VintageTechnology #retrocomputing
Anyone know someone with a Tandy 1000 RSX that would like to have the WDC Paradise Video Card for it? I have one for sale… #eBay via @eBay #Tandy #Tandy1000 #Tandy1000RSX
#tandy1000rsx #tandy1000 #Tandy #ebay
Encontro Clube Color Rio no próximo sábado!
#MundoRetro #ClubeColorRio #Encontros #RiodeJaneiro #Tandy #TRS-80ColorComputer #TRS-Color
#trs #Tandy #riodejaneiro #encontros #clubecolorrio #mundoretro
Episódio 140 – Dossiê Tandy 1000 – Parte B
#tandyradioshack #tandy1000 #Tandy #sierraon #podcast
Episódio 140 – Dossiê Tandy 1000 – Parte A
#Podcast #IBMPCjr #Tandy #Tandy1000 #Tandy2000 #TandyRadioShack
#tandyradioshack #tandy2000 #tandy1000 #Tandy #ibmpcjr #podcast
Not enough emulators? 👀
#Emulator #Emulation #VICE #Commodore #Tandy #Plus4 #ZXSpectrum #Sinclair #TRS80ColorComputer #ColorComputer #TRS80
#trs80 #colorcomputer #trs80colorcomputer #sinclair #zxspectrum #plus4 #Tandy #commodore #vice #emulation #emulator
The 16K TRS-80 model III or the 16K TRS-80 Colour Computer. Which one do you choose and why? 🤔
#Retro #RetroHardware #RetroTechnology #RetroComputers #Tandy #TRS80 #RadioShack #Coloured #Ad #1980s #80s #Microcomputers #Microcomputer #Z80
#z80 #microcomputer #microcomputers #80s #1980s #ad #coloured #radioshack #trs80 #Tandy #retrocomputers #retrotechnology #retrohardware #retro
The year is 1979 and you're told you can have a new computer. What do you pick? 👀 (I feel like I’ve posted this image before)
#Retro #RetroComputing #RetroTechnology #Commodore #Tandy #Atari #Apple
#apple #atari #Tandy #commodore #retrotechnology #retrocomputing #retro
Another project for #DOScember - just managed to buy this #Tandy 1000 EX on eBay for $100 (plus some shipping) listed as partially tested. Definitely needs a good cleaning, but works and as a bonus actually has the memory expansion module!
Some time back I adapted the fantastic PC port of the classic #Tandy #CoCo game Dungeons of Daggorath to run online via #WebAssembly. To play it, point your browser (desktop or mobile) at:
Time for a quick #introduction - I am a retro computer and bbs/early internet fan who does information security work as a day job. I am a bit of a retro-generalist though I do tend toward systems that I had or used growing up and starting my career. #tandy Color Computer, #commodore, #apple, but especially early PC. I am a former sysop and current open source developer.
#apple #commodore #Tandy #introduction
Thank you to everyone who shows up for the stream last night! Had a friend time hanging out with friends and clearing the decks on a couple of projects I’ve been meaning to finish up (including assembling my new Remote Battery PCBs).
#Macintosh #BlueSCSI #AppleII #AppleIII #Tandy #Lisa #Recapping
@mac84tv @MuseumJoe @hulkintosh @ericsedge @jeremysretrobar @TrinasTechnobabble
#macintosh #bluescsi #appleii #AppleIII #Tandy #lisa #Recapping