DAW Books 1979. Cover by “JAD” (Josep Antonio Domingo). Stories by Manly Wade Wellman, Tanith Lee, Andre Norton and others.
#DAW #SwordandSorcery #Fantasy #REH #SFF #ManlyWadeWellman #TanithLee #AndreNorton @fantasy
#swordandsorcerysunday #daw #swordandsorcery #fantasy #reh #sff #manlywadewellman #TanithLee #andrenorton
Happy #ScienceFictionDay everyone! Yes it’s a real thing, look it up. It also happens to fall on the birthday of #IsaacAsimov , what a coincidence! Here’s a random foursome of some favorite #BookCovers from my #collection
@bookstodon @sciencefiction #ScienceFiction #Asimov #TheodoreSturgeon #HenryKuttner #EdmondHamilton #UrsulaLeguin #UrsulaKLeguin #TanithLee #JoanDVinge #ConnieWillis
#sciencefictionday #isaacasimov #bookcovers #collection #sciencefiction #asimov #TheodoreSturgeon #henrykuttner #edmondhamilton #ursulaleguin #ursulakleguin #TanithLee #joandvinge #conniewillis
A book I’m greatly looking forward to but at the same time bittersweet. A collection of the remaining stories from Tanith Lee’s mesmerizing ‘Tales From the Flat Earth’.
Right #7Books to know me:
Imagica - #CliveBarker
The Tombs of Atuan - #UrsulaLeGuin
The Secret Books of Paradys - #TanithLee
Dogsbody - #DianaWynneJones
Melusine - #SarahMonette
Drawing Blood - #BillyMartin / #PoppyZBrite
Excession - #IainMBanks.
Not sure what that says about me, #WritingCommunity, but there it is. #Reading #BooksOfMastodon
#7books #clivebarker #ursulaleguin #TanithLee #DianaWynneJones #sarahmonette #billymartin #poppyzbrite #iainmbanks #writingcommunity #reading #booksofmastodon
@noonjinx It's hard to say what #TanithLee works I love the most. I have taught #DontBiteTheSun and #SilverMetalLover. I have rereat the Storm Lord a few times too!
#silvermetallover #dontbitethesun #TanithLee
Tip o' the chapeau to @David
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post and repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
Spreading this like a mastodon chain letter…
#universalmonsters #EqualityForAll #osamutezuka #theprisoner #TanithLee #freeformradio #classicalmyth
Here's my #bookstodon (first) post, of my most beloved, foundational, formatively lifechanging fav sf & f authors, some of whom have recently left us for unknown destinations, leaving me re-reading like crazy lately, doing my part to keep them in the world.
#LordDunsany #raybradbury #EdwardEager #jrrtolkien #LloydAlexander #ursulaleguin #SusanCooper #PatriciaMcKillip #TanithLee #cjcherryh #bookstodon
five to seven favorite authors. in the sff realm:
#joannaruss #ralafferty #JosephineSaxton #mjohnharrison #TanithLee #philipkdick #fritzleiber
@hilarylvh @mackenzieflohr
some favorite writers (narrowing it down as best I can)
so many more!
#edgarallanpoe #ClarkAshtonSmith #TanithLee #harlanellison #raybradbury #hplovecraft #LeighBrackett #TheodoreSturgeon #CLMoore #neilgaiman #mrjames #ShirleyJackson #alanmoore #angelacarter #bookstodon #reading