#BrianBolland actually wrote to Erró about the use of his own work, a #TankGirl cover, prominently in an Erró piece and then a poster print. Bolland’s letter is thorough, nuanced and thoughtful and I recommend reading it in full if you’re interested in this debate: https://bleedingcool.com/comics/recent-updates/brian-bolland-takes-on-erro-and-wins/ #PopArt 2/
#popart #TankGirl #brianbolland
"It's the year 2033. There's no law, no mercy—and no water!"
#TankGirl (1995) nailed the future, but the script's timeline was a decade off. They didn't anticipate IRL MAGA Nazis and the rapid acceleration of #ClimateChange in 2023.
Sci-Fi 5: Tank Girl – March 30, 1995
It started as an indie comic with a cult audience, but on this day in 1995 a movie version tried to introduce a whole new audience to #TankGirl. Sci-Fi 5 fills you in on the character's origins and some spicy could-have-been casting. https://sci-fi-5.libsyn.com/tank-girl #Podcast #SciFi5
The movie Tank Girl is a masterpiece and Rachel Talalay is a treasure. Feel free to try and change my mind but the outlook seems unlikely. #TankGirl #RachelTalalay
Objectif : récupérer un char russe en tracteur, et le customiser comme celui de #TankGirl.