"Liu Shifu [...] became a peasant movement organiser. Under his watch, The People’s Voice [1910s] emerged as China’s most influential organ of anarcho-communism, in whose pages there was no contradiction between embracing the latest science and embracing Buddhist and Taoist ideals."
Maia Ramnath, Non-Western Anarchisms and Postcolonialism
This #FollowFriday if you are interested in #Zen #taoism etc take a peek at
Gotta stay balanced in a world of chaos.
It’s easy to meditate in a quiet room, on a cushion, with an aromatherapy diffuser.
When you need it is when someone is screaming in your face after a series of bad days when the headlines in the news have all been horrible and it’s over 100 degrees and the AC is out.
That takes practice 😊
If you want to become full,
Let yourself be empty.
If you want to be reborn,
Let yourself die.
If you want to be given everything
Give everything up.
— Lao Tzu
#tao #Taoism #wisdom #books #book @bookstodon #bookstodon #china #philosophy
#tao #Taoism #wisdom #books #book #bookstodon #china #philosophy
Call me a Dude, call me Taoist, call me Buddhist. Call me a Jediist if you want. I certainly lean that way on occasion. Labels are just fuckin' words, and they've caused as many or more problems than they've solved.
"The way that can be told is not the immortal way" as a great dude once said.
#dudeism #jediism #Taoism #buddhism
The world rushes by.
The wise add nothing.
#poetry #taoism #zen #zenbuddhism #spirituality #micropoems #MicroPoetry
#poetry #Taoism #zen #ZenBuddhism #spirituality #micropoems #micropoetry
Made this one today and I'm obsessed with the red ❤️ New unisex adjustable necklace available on Etsy now:
#shophandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #taoism #necklace #artist #artists #etsy #musician #musicians #nonbinary #Friday
#ShopHandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #Taoism #necklace #artist #artists #etsy #musician #musicians #nonbinary #Friday
New handmade jewellery additions!✨️💜
Any support helps greatly with my music and music videos productions that are centered around mental health, the climate crisis and gender.
Plus they make for wonderful gifts for you or someone you love! ❤️
Get yours on Etsy:
#shophandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #taoism #necklace #artist #artists #etsy #musician #musicians #nonbinary #Friday
#ShopHandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #Taoism #necklace #artist #artists #etsy #musician #musicians #nonbinary #Friday
✨️New handmade jewellery additions!✨️
There are stunning options for men, women and nonbinary persons (unisex jewellery).
Any support helps greatly with my music and music videos productions that are centered around mental health, the climate crisis and gender
Plus they make for wonderful gifts for you or someone you love! ❤️
Get yours on Etsy:
#shophandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #taoism #necklace #artist #artists #etsy #musician #musicians #nonbinary #enby
#ShopHandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #Taoism #necklace #artist #artists #etsy #musician #musicians #nonbinary #enby
I walk this world,/alone but not lonely./My brothers and sisters beside me,/the Buddha in my Heart,/the Tao flows through and around me.
#poem #poetry #spirituality #Taoism #theforceiswithme
Yin and Yang unisex handmade jewellery sets!
Any support helps greatly with my music and music videos productions that are centered around mental health, the climate crisis, gender and philosophy.
Plus they make for wonderful gifts for you or someone you love! 💜
Get yours on Etsy:
#shophandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #necklace #artist #artists #musician #musicians #nonbinary #enby #taoism #yinyang #yinandyang #taoismo #taoismus #UK #London #etsy
#ShopHandmade #shop #handmade #art #jewellery #necklace #artist #artists #musician #musicians #nonbinary #enby #Taoism #yinyang #yinandyang #taoismo #taoismus #uk #london #etsy
See the stories
Change the stories
Let them go
#meditation #Spirituality #Buddhism #taoism #Poetry #MicroPoetry
#meditation #spirituality #buddhism #Taoism #poetry #micropoetry
Grappling with fate is like meeting an expert wrestler: to escape, you have to accept the fall when you are thrown.
The only thing that counts is whether you get back up.
All teachings are mere references. The true experience is living your own life.
Then, even the holiest of words are only words.
— Deng Ming-Dao
#tao #Taoism #philosophy #china #quote #friday #spirituality #life
#tao #Taoism #philosophy #china #quote #friday #spirituality #life
I started identifying as Taoist in college, but beyond reading the Tao Te Ching, a bit of the Chuang Tze, watching George Thompson on YouTube and listening to "Whats this Tao all About?" I haven't really dug into it much until now. Truly fascinating stuff. Magical, world bending, reality questioning awesome!
#Taoism #spirituality #meditation
Early life crisis in high school after ecoli, and a burst appendix in elementary school, and a desk lamp blowing up in my face on my twelfth birthday (not why I wear glasses. Been making this fashion statement since I was a couple months old.) Ended up on antidepressants, anti anxiety meds, and embracing eastern philosophy #Buddhism, #Yoga, and #Taoism. Buddhist in the schools of Plum Village founded by Thich Nhat Hanh, and Nalandabodhi, founded by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.
"He who is contented is rich." - Lao Tzu #contentment #Taoism #daoism #minimalism #minimalist #quotes #quoteoftheday
#contentment #Taoism #daoism #minimalism #minimalist #quotes #quoteoftheday
@mosesma Through their own words, they will be exposed… I admire #Taoism & as an Egyptian find #peace & #spirituality in the #desert :
#Taoism #peace #spirituality #desert