So, let’s envision the mind being like a womb. A seed must have a place to inhabit for it to grow and mature into something. One of the definitions of the word conceived is to take into one’s mind. When Eve was receiving the words from the serpent’s lips, she was taking in his seed. That false word was impregnating her mind and that seed began to grow into something that was opposite of God’s nature.
She disobeyed the LORD and decided that the fruit from this tree was good enough to eat, that it would make her wise, so she took from it, ate, and gave some to Adam (Gen 3:6). Prior to listening to the serpent Eve only knew those things that were good and pleasing in the Lord’s sight because she only had His seed in her. Now she allowed another, unfamiliar, tainted seed into the garden of her mind.
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As we learned, the good seed planted in the field brings forth good fruit and the Bible says, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”, John 8:32. The Bible clearly tells us that the Word is meant to transform us into the nature of Christ, and if we aren’t being transformed as a Christian and bearing the fruit of Jesus, Jesus is telling us that we become one of the tares.
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