@BillySangster joined #theGreens a long time ago. Might be different now that the #TartanTories have gone off to the real #Tories and #Alba
#alba #tories #TartanTories #thegreens
@Anderson @ScepticalScot1 @lauravivanco @MadeyeTheCarnaptious the #Tories are dead
…long live the #TartanTories!
Do all unionists go to the same twisting the truth class?
Blackford's comment is demonstrably true, whereas your 3 points are twisted and fanciful.
RT @marcbarry@twitter.com
Blackford attacks labour as "Brexit backing, democracy denying, Tory enabling party."
1. If you voted Yes in 2014, you voted to leave the EU, before anyone in England & Wales
2.Referendum held 2014
3.The SNP voted for Thatcher in 1979 #TartanTories
Vote SNP, get Tories.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/marcbarry/status/1578813600436981760