#UN agency removes document that states #Tasmanian #Aboriginal #people are extinct
#lutruwita #australia #indigenous #racism #taspol #tasgov #politas #classwar #humanrights #antiracism #antifascism #tasmania
#un #Tasmanian #aboriginal #people #lutruwita #australia #indigenous #racism #taspol #tasgov #politas #classwar #humanrights #antiracism #antifascism #tasmania
"#Tasmanian gronk band Ignis Gehenna was due to come to Naarm to play the Metal to My Ears show in September. These edge lords are the type that try to do crypto facism, though not very well, as evidenced by their band logo (https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Ignis_Gehenna/126721). We also have it on good authority that their vocalist is a member of the Order of the Nine Angels, a satanic nazi cult that are known to be fans of pedophilia.
Thankfully, #Naarm locals Scaphis, who had also been booked to play this show, learned of Ignis Gehenna's inclusion and, when promoters failed to agree to booting the fascist rejects, pulled out of the show (https://www.facebook.com/scaphis). Since then the whole shit show has been cancelled.
Now that should be the end of it, however the headliners for this show, aging death metal act Misery have sent messages to Scaphis demanding that they be compensated to the tune of $3,000. This obviously will not happen, but it is very disappointing to learn that Misery, rather than take the opportunity to take a strong stance against fascism in metal, has chosen to attempt to extort a band for doing what they were too piss weak to do themselves. Pretty shit priorities, and a likely indication of where their own sympathies lie.
Platforming and profiteering from nazism is unacceptable. Extortion from a band that simply exercised their autonomy to choose not to support and play with a band that are fans of genocide is utterly disgraceful.
Misery is a fitting and deserving name for this band."
161 Naarm Crew ↙️↙️↙️
#ausgov #politas #classwar #music #fyi #psa #australia #GoodNightWhitePride #antinazi #antinationalism
#Tasmanian #naarm #AusGov #politas #classwar #Music #fyi #psa #australia #GoodNightWhitePride #antinazi #antinationalism
Not great photos, but I'm pleased to have had the chance to catch up with some #Tasmanian #wildlife over the last week, including #TasmanianDevil in Loongana (#MountainValley), Duck-billed #Platypus in #Loongana and #Eugenana (#TasmanianArboretum), Bare-nosed Wombat at #CradleMountain and Red-bellied Pademelon everywhere.
#australia #mammals #cradlemountain #tasmanianarboretum #eugenana #loongana #platypus #mountainvalley #tasmaniandevil #wildlife #Tasmanian
@timrichards looks like a nice spot for lunch, but… now that I am a #Tasmanian I have a very different view of what is meant by ‘waterfront’. 😊
Hello #Tasmanian Mastodon I'm overcome by a longing to see one of your neatly stacked woodpiles stretching along a fence, does anyone have a picture? tvm
Looking to buy a lifstyle in #Tasmanian its worth a look https://www.oceanviewrealestate.net.au/ #realestate
Remains of the last known #Tasmanian tiger, which were assumed to have been lost 86 years ago, were found in a museum cupboard, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery says.
The specimen fell through the cracks as it was not properly catalogued back in 1936.
Remains of the last known #Tasmanian tiger, which were assumed to have been lost 86 years ago, were found in a museum cupboard, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery says.
The specimen fell through the cracks as it was not properly catalogued back in 1936.
The remains of the last-known #thylacine — thought lost for more than 85 years — were kept in a cupboard in a #Tasmanian museum for decades, with their significance only recently being realised. #tasmaniantiger #ExtinctionNews
#thylacine #Tasmanian #tasmaniantiger #extinctionnews
I write occasional #BookReviews. This one is of "Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here", by my fellow #Tasmanian, Heather Rose.
#bookreviews #Tasmanian #books #bookreview
I write occasional #BookReviews. This one is of "Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here", by my fellow #Tasmanian, Heather Rose.
#bookreviews #Tasmanian #books #bookreview
Toddler dies in #Tasmanian shed fire
#CanberraTimes | #Australia #TAS
#Tasmanian #canberratimes #australia #tas
#Tasmanian flower farmer ‘shocked’ to learn she planted opium poppies by mistake | #Tasmania |
#TheGuardian #guardianaus #Australia
#Tasmanian #tasmania #theguardian #guardianaus #australia
This tree, which was here when we moved into our #Tasmanian property, is a #WollemiPine
Until 1994 the Wollemia nobilis was only known through fossils, when a park ranger discovered a very small population - less than 100 trees - living well hidden in a NSW canyon. That remains the only known wild population of these critically #endangered prehistoric trees, but these have since been cultivated for home growing.
Our Wollemi pine has never been watered, fed, or in any way tended to, over the past 9 yrs, yet it’s thrived in our particular microclimate. Masses of female cones this year!
#Tasmanian #wollemipine #endangered
This tree, which was here when we moved into our #Tasmanian property, is a #WollemiPine
Until 1994 the Wollemia nobilis was only known through fossils, when a park ranger discovered a very small population - less than 100 trees - living well hidden in a NSW canyon. That remains the only known wild population of these critically #endangered prehistoric trees, but these have since been cultivated for home growing.
Our Wollemi pine has never been watered, fed, or in any way tended to over the past 9 yrs, yet it’s thrived in our particular microclimate. Masses of female cones this year!
#Tasmanian #wollemipine #endangered
#Gin night. A #Tasmanian (Forty Spotted) and an #Estonian (Juniperium) tonight.
#Gin night. A #Tasmanian (Forty Spotted) and an #Estonian (Juniperium) tonight.