Looking for a sustainably delicious fish recipe for New Year's Eve?
Have a look at the preparation of a #sustainable perch from the fresh waters of the Danube delta, by the 🇷🇴 celebrity Chef Sorin Bontea.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1608757157184290819
... and here comes some #bluefood suggestion from 🇧🇪 Belgium
RT @EU_MARE: Don't know what to cook for the Holidays?
Have a look at the #Trout recipe by the Belgian Chef Sang Hoon Degeimbre!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1608057305114853379
#bluefood #Trout #TasteTheOcean
Don't know what to cook for the Holidays?
Have a look at the #Trout recipe by the Belgian Chef Sang Hoon Degeimbre!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1608039931179401217
Nemate ideje što pripremiti za Badnjak? 🇪🇺🐟
Donosimo vam 9⃣ vrhunskih, održivih i sezonskih morskih recepata s kojima možete impresionirati i zadiviti i one najzahtjevnije!
#EUQuality #EUFarm2Fork #EUGreenDeal #TasteTheOcean #DavidSkoko
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1606590517818507265
#EUQuality #EUFarm2Fork #EUGreenDeal #TasteTheOcean #DavidSkoko
Making food for the Holidays is always a bit of a challenge.
Why not try the "Pickled mussels" recipe, by Chef Christian F. Puglisi 🇩🇰.
Tasty, renewable and easy to farm, try out the Blue mussels from #NorthSea #aquaculture 🇩🇰 in this incredible dish.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1606220570508435457
#NorthSea #aquaculture #TasteTheOcean
Donburi s iverkom zlatopjegom i sušenim algama novo je jelo iz druge sezone kampanje #TasteTheOcean, a priprema ga švedska 🇸🇪 kuharica Frida Ronge.
Uživajte! 🐟 @EU_MARE @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1569256752696422400
Kuharica Beata Nicholson iz Litve 🇱🇹 u novoj sezoni u novoj sezoni kampanje #TasteTheOcean priprema šarana s djevičanskim umakom od kopra. Uživajte! 🐟 @EU_MARE @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1568665810071175168
Haringa s #colcannon krumpirom i krvavicama jelo je koje spremaju irski 🇮🇪 kuhari Maired i Garry Andersom u novoj sezoni kampanje #TasteTheOcean.
Uživajte!🐟 @EU_MARE @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1568274766150377472
U novoj sezoni #TasteTheOcean kampanje odličan recept dolazi iz Finske. 🇫🇮
Bokeron male ozimice s vinegretom od crvene naranče priprema finska chefica Ina Niiniketo. Uživajte!🐟🍊 @EU_MARE @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1566761311416963075
Tänään vietetään suomalaisen ruoan päivää!
Kokki Ina Niiniketo on vastuullisen kalastuksen ja kalaruokien lähettiläs. Niinikedon #TasteTheOcean –kampanjan reseptissä pääosassa ovat muikut:
https://europa.eu/!tnbY4v #SuomalaisenRuoanPäivä
#TasteTheOcean #SuomalaisenRuoanPäivä
Estonski 🇪🇪 chef Peeter Pihel u novoj sezoni kampanje #TasteTheOcean priprema file grgeča s kruhom od raži, salatom od krumpira i preljevom od kefira i poriluka. Uživajte!🐟🐟🐟 @EU_MARE @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1563936895465291777
Ciparski 🇨🇾 chef Stavros Georgiou u novoj sezoni kampanje #TasteTheOcean sprema ribu paun s korijenom celera i ukiseljenom mrkvom. 🐟🥕 Uživajte! @EU_MARE @EUCYPRUS @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1563437821725396994
Još jedan odličan recept iz nove sezone #TasteTheOcean kampanje dolazi iz Češke. 🇨🇿
Češki kuhar Oliver Pape sprema pastrvu sa šparogama i poznatim umakom #Hollandaise. @EU_MARE @OgnianZlatev
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1562807005089234944
Lionfish is again in the spotlight - after the #TasteTheOcean recipe cooked by chef Stavros Georgiou 🇨🇾 , dive into more facts about this alien species with #EU4Ocean!
And #ICYMI, the recipe of Lionfish fillet with celeriac & pickled carrot is here 👉 https://europa.eu/!MfQXtf
RT @EurOceanCentre: From a Facebook page to a nationwide lionfish eating campaign, tune in to hear the 3rd episode of #IfOceansCouldSpeak with @diariesofocean. Do…
#TasteTheOcean #EU4Ocean #ICYMI #IfOceansCouldSpeak
U novoj sezoni #TasteTheOcean kampanje 🇧🇬 bugarska kuharica Mariya Jekova kombinira okuse crnomorskih dagnji i šafrana. @OgnianZlatev @ECinBulgaria @EU_MARE
Preuzmite sve recepte na: https://europa.eu/!VdjBNG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1559127032281407488
Mangler du inspiration til sommermenuen? 🌞
Sæsonbestemt #skaldyr og #fisk er nemt, nærende og lækkert. 🐟
Tag et kig på #TasteTheOcean med ni opskrifter fra ni fantastiske kokke. 👩🍳
Se mere 👇
#EUFarm2Fork #EUGreenDeal #miljø #eudk
#skaldyr #fisk #TasteTheOcean #EUFarm2Fork #EUGreenDeal #miljø #eudk
#DYK the Latin name for blue crab means “good to eat”? By consuming this invasive species we could reduce its negative impact on the marine environment.
#TasteTheOcean & try the delicious gnocchi recipe prepared by chef David Skoko 🇭🇷!
Cook along here 👉http://europa.eu/!PM4VJc
RT @UN_FAO_GFCM: Have you ever seen a Callinectes sapidus⁉️
The #Med is now rich with non-indigenous species, like the blue #crab, which boasts considerable…
#DYK #TasteTheOcean #Med #crab
Looking for a nice tasty fish🐠 recipe to cook this weekend?
Why not try out award-winning chefs Garry & Mairead Anderson's recipe for herring with colcannon and black pudding.
For this & other tasty fish recipes from around 🇪🇺, check out #TastetheOcean🐡https://europa.eu/taste-the-ocean/index_en
RT @EU_MARE: Thank you for cooking along with us during this year’s #TasteTheOcean campaign.
By eating more #local #seasonal #fish and #seafood we can protect our #ocean and preserve it for future generations.
Catch all the recipes on our website!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1546438994493308928
#TasteTheOcean #local #seasonal #fish #seafood #Ocean
Thank you for cooking along with us during this year’s #TasteTheOcean campaign.
By eating more #local #seasonal #fish and #seafood we can protect our #ocean and preserve it for future generations.
Catch all the recipes on our website!
#TasteTheOcean #local #seasonal #fish #seafood #Ocean