And all other Southern States say once again, as is traditional, "well thank God for #Mississippi" as the relative relief of having dodged the bullet of being THE worst Southern state washes over the rest of them.
Meanwhile no doubt #TateReeves is getting ready to call syphilis a gift from God.
Minnesota’s Racist State Flag Isn’t The Only One That Could Use a Makeover | #moderndisplayoftheconfederatebattleflag #flagsoftheconfederatestatesofamerica #flagsoftheusstatesandterritories #flagoftheunitedstates #mikefreiberg #socialissues #tatereeves #symbols #flags #brown
#moderndisplayoftheconfederatebattleflag #flagsoftheconfederatestatesofamerica #flagsoftheusstatesandterritories #flagoftheunitedstates #mikefreiberg #socialissues #TateReeves #symbols #flags #Brown
This story needs to be back in the spotlight! Tell friends and family that the black lives of #JacksonMS cannot be ignored as the state's #GOP and their ignoramus governor #TateReeves laughs down at them from his throne. #BlackLivesMatter
#jacksonms #gop #TateReeves #blacklivesmatter