Also unclear why having experts from the old centre involved with the new service is such a problem. Surely they're experts? How very Tory to sideline experts whose advice they don't like.
And then there were the parents of a child who (checks notes) had been on the Gids waiting list for 18 months and nothing much had happened. Sounded like they wanted a doctor to tell their child to pull themselves together, rather than taking their thoughts and feelings seriously.
This was another bizarre segment from this morning's Today Programme. It ended up sounding like an absolute nothingburger, with people trying to make out that it's a bad thing if clinicians have a preference for an 'affirming' approach over, apparently, assuming gender dysphoria is just a symptom of mental illness.
BBC News - Child gender clinic reform 'under threat', says Sajid Javid
#TimetoThink by #HannahBarnes review – what went wrong at #GIDS? The BBC Newsnight reporter’s investigation into the #Tavistock’s #genderidentity clinic for #children makes disturbing #reading:
#reading #children #Genderidentity #Tavistock #GIDS #HannahBarnes #TimetoThink
The Telegraph running #Tavistock hit pieces on the same day the UK news media exploded with the brutal murder of a literal trans child is too much. F*ck these collaborators. I'm so done today.
There's a war on #trans youth right now, and your hamster cage liner of a newspaper is leading the charge. #NormalIsland #uktransphobia
#Tavistock #trans #NormalIsland #uktransphobia
Other topics relevant to this piece: #AnnelouDeVries #BellvTavistock #BernardLane #CassReview #ColinWright #DiannaKenny #EmmaHilton #ErinReed #eugenics #FlorenceAshley #GenderIdentityTheory #GenderIdeology #HelenStaniland #interphobia #JKRowling #JudithButler #JuliaSerano #LindaGale #NewYorkTimes #NewsCorp #ParadoxInstitute #PeggyCohenKettenis #PogustGoodhead #Quillette #racism #RayBlanchard #ROGD #StanilandQuestion #TaliaMaeBettcher #Tavistock #ThomasSteensma #transphobia #WPATH #ZacharyElliott
#anneloudevries #bellvtavistock #bernardlane #cassreview #colinwright #diannakenny #emmahilton #erinreed #eugenics #florenceashley #genderidentitytheory #genderideology #HelenStaniland #interphobia #jkrowling #judithbutler #juliaserano #lindagale #NewYorkTimes #newscorp #paradoxinstitute #peggycohenkettenis #pogustgoodhead #quillette #racism #rayblanchard #ROGD #StanilandQuestion #taliamaebettcher #Tavistock #thomassteensma #transphobia #wpath #zacharyelliott
Sick, sick, sick
#autism #transgender #Tavistock
Sick, sick, sick #Tavistock #transgender #autism
#autism #transgender #Tavistock
Walk finished. 22.79km done. Weather was cold but sunny this morning, turned cloudy this afternoon. Now sat in #StannaryBrewery in #Tavistock for a pint of #DevonMist Cider
#StannaryBrewery #Tavistock #DevonMist
#Walking on #Dartmoor Today's walk #Sourton to #Tavistock currently sat in the #CastleInn in #Lydford enjoying a pint. The Gaitors have done their job well so far 🥾
#walking #dartmoor #Sourton #Tavistock #CastleInn #Lydford
Parents of children as young as three were fabricating stories that their toddlers were transgender, a former psychiatrist at the Tavistock child gender clinic claims.
He compared the behaviour of parents to Munchausen by proxy disease, in which a caregiver makes up symptoms in order to create an illusion that their child is sick, calling it 'Transhausen by proxy'.
#tavistock #uk #nhs
Gareth Icke on Hearts of Oak Podcast
'No Turning Back' Available exclusively on
7 pm BST Saturday 1st October.
This film features doctors, whistleblowers, lawyers, and de-transitioners, all of whom have the inside track on what has been going on in the UK’s only gender clinic, the London-based Tavistock hospital.
Full discussion on Podbean or the app of your choice
Hit play for a clip ⏯️ #Tavistock
Soon-to-close NHS Tavistock clinic is accused of 'wrongly convincing gay and bisexual people they were TRANS' in bitter legal dispute.
#Tavistock -- the best-kept secret in America:
#trans -- #Tavistock #gender clinic to be sued by 1,000 families:
Tavistock, mille famiglie fanno causa a clinica bambini trans?/ Dubbi su farmaci e… #tavistock #mille #famiglie #fanno #causa #clinica #bambini #trans/ #dubbi #farmaci #11agosto
#11agosto #farmaci #dubbi #trans #bambini #clinica #causa #fanno #famiglie #mille #Tavistock
#Trans -- #Britain's #Tavistock sex-change clinic for #children closed after damning report:
#children #Tavistock #britain #trans
Ah.There We have it.Truth will out,
RT @coccinellanovem: @alexsobel @SinclairJM1987 @RainbowHonours @Mermaids_Gender Did you ask why Mermaids think that same-sex attracted people don’t merit our own charity, or why they are wasting everyone’s time & funding pursuing a case against @ALLIANCELGB ?
The #Tavistock patient stats are inconvenient for Mermaids - but why are you ignoring them Alex?
Reparto GIDS chiude al Tavistock di Londra: si decideva di cambiare sesso ai bambini in tre ore – Visione TV #reparto #gids #chiude #tavistock #londra #decideva #cambiare #sesso #bambini #visione #2agosto
#2agosto #visione #bambini #sesso #cambiare #decideva #londra #Tavistock #chiude #gids #reparto
Die größte britische Genderklinik wird nach einer Untersuchung geschlossen. Jugendlichen wurden dort offenbar ohne ausreichende Beratung die Geschlechtsorgane wegoperiert.
#Tavistock #Trans #SelfID #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz
#Tavistock #trans #SelfID #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz