We only need$3,425 more to get this kid set for the entire upcoming academic year. I am so grateful to all of you who have given your money and shared this campaign!
Fundraiser by Robin DeRosa: Help a Homeless Kid Go Back to College https://gofund.me/fa256fbd
#HigherEd #homelessness #GoFundMeSucks #FreeCollege #equity #help #love #TaxesNotFundraisers #TaxBillionaires
#highered #homelessness #gofundmesucks #freecollege #equity #help #love #taxesnotfundraisers #TaxBillionaires
Here’s an example of why there is no such thing as a self-made billionaire. There is always exploitation or outright fraud somewhere along the way! #Amazon #JeffBezos #TaxBillionaires #EatTheRich
Amazon duped millions of consumers into enrolling in Prime, US FTC says 21-JUN-2023 https://www.reuters.com/legal/amazon-duped-millions-consumers-into-enrolling-prime-ftc-2023-06-21/
#eattherich #TaxBillionaires #jeffbezos #Amazon
Economic #system #bootstraps: #stolenland, #desecration #disposablepeople, #degradation, #patriarchy.
#system #bootstraps #stolenland #desecration #disposablepeople #degradation #patriarchy #languagehegemony #residentialschools #monopolies #whosestandards #TaxBillionaires
In #corruption, billions trump millions: Unlike Kushner, Bolsonaro faces accusations he attempted to illegally bring over $3 million worth of jewelry pieces he received from the Saudi Arabian government into Brazil and his alleged role in the January 8 attacks on the Three Powers Plaza in the capital of Brasília.
#corruption #TaxBillionaires #SCOTUSIsCorrupt
The only good capitalist is a regulated capitalist.
The only good billionaire is a taxed billionaire.
The only good fascist is a... wait, there are no good fascists.
#regulatecapitalism #TaxBillionaires #destroyfascism
Jeff Bezos is worth US$122 BILLION dollars, while a market trader selling rice in Uganda makes US$80 monthly. Guess which one of them is taxed at 40%? Join the global call to tax the ultra-rich now. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/tax_the_rich_loc/?wcoYbqb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnaMartinsGomes/status/1646726263414083584
Jeff Bezos is worth US$122 BILLION dollars, while a market trader selling rice in Uganda makes US$80 monthly. Guess which one of them is taxed at 40%? Join the global call to tax the ultra-rich now. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/tax_the_rich_loc/?weZDRrb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/usandbaek/status/1646750982661894145
Jeff Bezos ist 122 Milliarden US-Dollar wert, während eine Reishändlerin in Uganda 80 US-Dollar im Monat verdient. Wer von beiden wird wohl mit 40 % besteuert? Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf an, Superreiche jetzt zu besteuern. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/tax_the_rich_loc/?wTBqzjb
Jeff Bezos ist 122 Milliarden US-Dollar wert, während eine Reishändlerin in Uganda 80 US-Dollar im Monat verdient. Wer von beiden wird wohl mit 40 % besteuert? Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf an, Superreiche jetzt zu besteuern. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/tax_the_rich_loc/?wYFIiqb
Jeff Bezos is worth US$122 BILLION dollars, while a market trader selling rice in Uganda makes US$80 monthly. Guess which one of them is taxed at 40%? Join the global call to tax the ultra-rich now. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/tax_the_rich_loc/?wpowedb
Jeff Bezos ist 122 Milliarden US-Dollar wert, während eine Reishändlerin in Uganda 80 US-Dollar im Monat verdient. Wer von beiden wird wohl mit 40 % besteuert? Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf an, Superreiche jetzt zu besteuern. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/tax_the_rich_loc/?wOpIBqb
Warum werden Superreiche anders besteuert, als wir? Ihre tatsächlichen Steuersätze sind winzig, während die weltweite Ungleichheit immer größer wird. Jetzt mitmachen und eine Steuer für Milliardäre fordern. #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires https://fb.avaaz.org/campaign/de/tax_the_rich_loc/?wSAppeb
We've never had an 'excess of democracy', but we've had an over-abundance of 'excess of oligarchy.'
#excessofoligarchy #TaxBillionaires #democracy
Lose control of monopolies like Twitter if we don’t #TaxBillionaires to prevent their #citizensunited #AntiDemocratic actions. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/01/08/brazil-bolsanaro-twitter-facebook/
#TaxBillionaires #citizensunited #antidemocratic
Billionaires used to be side-effects of capitalism; considered tolerable because many (not all) people under capitalism were able to make a decent living.
Now they're just parasites sucking the life out of the rest of us.
How many people get to choose which stocks, especially startup stocks, can be in their IRAs?
We have only a limited number of options that are offered to us?
#billionairessuck #TaxBillionaires #taxtherich
Let's import zayde to the #UK
#TaxBillionaires !!!!
#BernieSanders Proposes Tax Hike on Billionaires
#uk #TaxBillionaires #berniesanders