Warm and lively discussion with Minister of State for Finance Chee on what investment hubs do and should do to fight tax avoidance and evasion.
Mission of @ep_taxation to #Singapore
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1683726184818036736
Re @ManonAubryFr @sirarego @papadimoulis @nvillumsen @JPimentaLopes @joseggusmao @botengam @emmanuelmaurel @DFIeurope @IUEuropa @IzquierdaUnida @GA4TJ @TaxJusticeNet @eurodad @OxfamEU @etuc_ces @cncd111111 @PSIglobalunion @SYRIZAEP @SyrizaI @EnhedslistenEU @dieLinkeEP @EuroPodemos @VansterniEU @BlocoDeEsquerda @ptbbelgique @pvdabelgie @deppcppeguengl @SFIntDept @anticapi For @JPimentaLopes, "interest rate hikes, dictated by the ECB, attack worker incomes... & favour big financial capital."
"What is needed is to reverse interest rate rises, along with a fairer, progressive tax policy."
#TaxJustice #CostOfLivingCrisis https://t.co/mAKSbm8Z0d
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1679160341912010754
#TaxJustice #CostOfLivingCrisis
Tomorrow should be a big day for #taxjustice!
Can countries agree on a deal to ensure that the big multinationals pay taxes where they make profits?
A plethora of national digital taxes is the alternative, but an unappealing one
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1678685383498907654
With a whopping majority!
Also Switzerland is behind the minimum corporate tax rate
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Europe Elects: Switzerland, final results:
OECD/G20 Project (Constitutional Amendment)
Support: 78.45%
Oppose: 21.55%
Turnout: 42.37%
➤ http://europeelects.eu/switzerland
#CHvote #Abst23 #VotazioniCH #Votaziuns https://t.co/fsztBMGLDQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1670467042279927808
#TaxJustice #CHvote #abst23 #VotazioniCH #Votaziuns
Zelfs Lawrence Summers spreekt zich uit om de superrijken te belasten! #taxjustice
RT @LHSummers: WE ARE AN UNDERTAXED NATION. Raising revenue needs to start with those most able to pay—the top 1 percent— but quite likely it cannot end there.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1666719592616476674
RT @joschueck
Wen interessiert, wie das überhaupt gehen kann: In unserer Podcast-Folge von Dezember habe ich versucht, es zu skizzieren:
#fairshare #taxjustice
https://open.spotify.com/episode/6iUgrUNGEzLWZOCtUUyZ7r?si=eUcbvRfGR4ipe64Tr_NB8g https://twitter.com/steuergerecht/status/1646460666297942018
Díky nedávno schválené minimální světové dani korporací jsme se sice k větší daňové spravedlnosti přiblížili… Ale svým dílem by měli začít přispívat i ultrabohatí jednotlivci. Ve světě, kde jedni vlastní paláce a druzí nemají na jídlo, bychom neměli chtít žít. #TaxJustice (3/3)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vonpecka/status/1640230299479965696
.@CashInvestigati sheds light on #TaxJustice and #LuxLeaks. Our tax #State aid cases can be so complicated that you think ‘my life is too short’😉 and you just want to close it again. Investigative journalism make it more digestible. Thanks @EliseLucet
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vestager/status/1638906787662385153
☝️Rechte Regierungen wie die in Polen & in Ungarn nutzen immer wieder ihre Vetomacht im #EU-Rat aus, um sozialgerechte Steuerpolitik zu verhindern.
👊Heute machen wir uns im 🇪🇺-Parlament dafür stark, ihnen diese Vetomacht mit der "Passerelle-Regelung" zu nehmen!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/schirdewan/status/1630965439713927169
Vigtig weekendlæsning! 👇
#eudk #dkpol #taxjustice
RT @KoosCouvee: Patrick Hansen, the man behind a Luxembourg lawsuit that is likely to force the EU to abandon public beneficial ownership registries, is connected to more than 100 offshore entities and may have been acting as a proxy for wealthy Russians, @OCCRP reports.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Kira_MPH/status/1624078292839026688
RT @JuliaMcClure_
Great to finally receive copies of Imperial Inequalities, & great to meet some of the contributors at the book launch last week. I hope this contributes to changing the narrative on global #inequalities and the need for #taxjustice you can read more at: https://taxjustice.net/2023/01/17/colonial-taxation/
The former #Novartis CEO Daniel #Vasella has been exposed, many other #Superrich are not. The still intact #banking secrecy in Switzerland and a widely ramified offshore industry still allow the Swiss financial centre to hide their clients' money from tax authorities. #TaxJustice
#novartis #vasella #superrich #banking #TaxJustice
With 637 votes ➕ and only 2 ➖, the 🇪🇺 Parliament sends a strong message in support of #TaxJustice, adopting its position on proposed EU legislation to prevent tax evasion by establishing fake companies - the Unshell Directive.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheProgressives/status/1615393287514226690
Overwhelming majority to tackle shell companies in the fight for #taxjustice: 637 - 2
Clear signal that not 1 of 27 member states should even think of blocking this proposal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1615326445596979201
#eudk #taxjustice #equality
RT @Oxfam: Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Billionaire wealth is booming, while millions struggle to survive. Let’s end this era of #SurvivalOfTheRichest. It’s time to #TaxTheRich to #FightInequality.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Kira_MPH/status/1615037201934319625
#eudk #TaxJustice #Equality #SurvivalOfTheRichest #TaxTheRich #FightInequality
We expect UK central government departments to spend £415.5 billion on the day-to-day ('current') running costs of public services. This is 35 per cent of public spending. The biggest items are health (£168.2 billion), education (£77.1 billion) and defence (£32.1 billion). (Source OBR)
A ten-per-cent (9bn) nurses increase would be nearly 20% of current health spending. #taxjustice #FairTaxCouncil #RobinHoodTaxUK #enoughisenough
#uknursesstrike #uknurses
#TaxJustice #FairTaxCouncil #RobinHoodTaxUK #EnoughIsEnough #uknursesstrike #uknurses
The UK has approximately 300,000 nurses and are paid annually around 33,300. A ten-per-cent increase would amount to just over 3000 a year, costing the country 9bn. #taxjustice #FairTaxCouncil #RobinHoodTaxUK #enoughisenough
#uknursesstrike #uknurses
#TaxJustice #FairTaxCouncil #RobinHoodTaxUK #EnoughIsEnough #uknursesstrike #uknurses
"Dit bedrijf maakt buitensporige winsten, maar steekt geen helpende hand uit. In tegendeel: het bedrijf komt als een tijger op voor de belangen van aandeelhouders."
Mijn, Europese kijk op het Amerikaanse Exxon
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paultang/status/1608524788145733632
RT @BylinesEast@twitter.com
What can be done about the massive waste of tax that no one talks about, but which has a big cost for society?
-- @RichardJMurphy@twitter.com looks at the causes of the waste, and offers some solutions.
#TaxJustice #Regulation #GovernmentSpending
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BylinesEast/status/1606199177637072896
#TaxJustice #regulation #Governmentspending
After a year of national vetoes, the EU finally has a minimum tax for the largest corporations!
This is the first and very important step towards #TaxJustice 👏
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ignaziocorrao/status/1605657013417087002