#TeaGL at #SeaGL in 45 minutes
it's our annual tea-based social event, bring a cup of tea and join in the conversation
#flosssocial #flossconf #SeaGL #TeaGL
I have two talks at #SeaGL next week, "Intermediate jq: sed for json" and "Firefox Multi-Account Containers"
Here's a blog post with more info and links to some other talks, including @murph h 's intro to the #Fediverse and @TheyOfHIShirts ' "The Fediverse @ Your Library"
#library #containers #Firefox #jq #TeaGL #Fediverse #SeaGL
#SeaGL 2021 is over, it was nice to gather with friends, though remotely
We had some fantastic talks and I look forward to catching many that I missed
The social events were great. #TeaGL was fantastic again and the trivia game was also great
#DeveOpsGames put on a great contest Friday night
#flossconf #DeveOpsGames #TeaGL #SeaGL
Couldn't resist brewing a spot of my #TeaGL tea, which is a lovely jin xuan (milk oolong) from a mysterious buddy who requested anonymitea. 🍵 #SeaGL2021
Just signed for for #TeaGL tea swap for #SeaGL a couple times
Sign up by October 16!
TeaGL is fun and I enjoyed the tea I got through the tea swap last year
Use anonimi-tea mode and @SeaGL will proxy the exchange for you
#flossevent #FreeAsInTea #flossconf #SeaGL #TeaGL
started my day with tea from my #TeaGL buddy (thanks!), will be working on the #SeaGL sponsor prospectus today
our next organizing meeting is Monday at 17:00 Pacific (UTC-7)
#flox #FreeAsInTea #flossevent #flossconf #SeaGL #TeaGL