@bolden @themarkup This has been a trend for a very long time. Students of color have an 80% higher rate of ending up with disciplinary actions for normal behavior than their white peers. It’s worse for minor infractions. It doesn’t help that US teacher education programs focus almost entirely on crowd control techniques with no real instruction in how to teach. #teachers #professors #teachertraining #TeacherEducation #globaleducation #bipoc
#bipoc #globaleducation #TeacherEducation #teachertraining #professors #teachers
RT @IFS_TU_Dortmund@twitter.com
What role does #teachereducation play for the use of ICT in the classroom and for promoting students’ #medialiteracy? Read more about it in our article ➡️ https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2022.2129772 #educationalscience
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IFS_TU_Dortmund/status/1610268734404403203
#TeacherEducation #medialiteracy #educationalscience
First @mastodonsocial.ca post. Twitter asylum seeker looking for a good home. #educationforsutainability #TeacherEducation
#TeacherEducation #educationforsutainability
I'm a #newbi and educational researcher in the field of #teachereducation and consider it essential to engage with #teachers in order to innovate my teaching and research #edutooter #education. My #researchinterests are #motivation and #emotion of students and teachers as well as #digitization in #school and #university. #introduction
#Introduction #University #school #digitization #emotion #motivation #researchinterests #Education #edutooter #teachers #TeacherEducation #newbi
Moved from Twitter @educatinggeeta & need to learn how to use this app now! #academicofcolour #southasianwriters #southasianwomen Interested in changing the narrative for #pocinnature Work in #teachereducation at Brunel Uni https://www.brunel.ac.uk/people/geeta-ludhra
IG handles @dadimaschilternswalks @educatinggeeta @_dadimas
#academicofcolour #southasianwriters #SouthAsianwomen #pocinnature #TeacherEducation
Wir bieten zudem regelmäßige öffentliche Veranstaltungen an zum Thema #Medienkompetenz, #Medienbildung, #Werte, #Wertevermittlung, #KulturellesErbe, #digitalisierung, #Wisskomm, #Transfer und vieles mehr - für die Hochschul- und Schullandschaft in #Heidelberg, #Mannheim, #RheinNeckar und weit darüber hinaus.
Wir arbeiten in interdisziplinären internationalen Netzwerken der #teachereducation und sind gespannt auf den Austausch hier im #Fediverse! #Bildung #Schule #Pädagogik #Didaktik
#medienkompetenz #medienbildung #werte #Wertevermittlung #KulturellesErbe #digitalisierung #wisskomm #transfer #heidelberg #mannheim #rheinneckar #TeacherEducation #fediverse #bildung #schule #pädagogik #didaktik
Okay #academictwitter migrant friends, looking for #education #teachereducation #literacies folx. My research is on #AsianAmerican teachers & teachers of color recruitment, preparation, retention, identity, broadly. Also a #MotherScholar & interested in professional identity.
US/California based, but doing transnational collaborative work with colleagues in France. Voilà mon #introduction
PS. I love Mastodon emojis :blobcat_thisisfine:
#Introduction #motherscholar #asianamerican #literacies #TeacherEducation #Education #academictwitter
Hi Friends, trying this new network...any #education #teachereducation #literacies peeps here?
#literacies #TeacherEducation #Education