RT @WHO: Today is the #CervicalCancer Elimination Day of Action!
We can end cervical cancer if:
✅ 90% of girls are vaccinated
✅ 70% of women are screened
✅ 90% of women with cervical disease receive treatment
📌 https://www.who.int/campaigns/cervical-cancer-elimination-day-of-action-2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1593552001039798275
RT @IPVSociety@twitter.com
📢Today, November 17, is the #CervicalCancer Elimination Day of Action !
Hear from the President of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS), Prof Suzanne Garland. IPVS' vision is a world without #papillomavirus-related diseases
#TealTalk #HPV @WHO@twitter.com @thewomens@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IPVSociety/status/1593144129089064961
#hpv #TealTalk #papillomavirus #cervicalcancer
RT @WHO: Today is the #CervicalCancer Elimination Day of Action!
We can end cervical cancer if:
✅ 90% of girls are vaccinated
✅ 70% of women are screened
✅ 90% of women with cervical disease receive treatment
📌 https://www.who.int/campaigns/cervical-cancer-elimination-day-of-action-2022
RT @WHO_Europe: 17 November is #CervicalCancer Elimination Day of Action.
We have the tools and the know-how.
No more women should die of this preventable disease.
Read more here 👇
#CervicalCancer #TealTalk #HPV