«Υποστηρίζουμε το Πακιστάν στην ανάκαμψή του μετά τις τρομερές πλημμύρες του 2022 που στοίχισαν >1.700 ζωές.
Εγκρίναμε το σχέδιο ανοικοδόμησης με €500 εκ.
Συνεχίζουμε την ανθρωπιστική μας βοήθεια και συνεργαζόμαστε με το 🇵🇰 για εκσυγχρονισμό της οικονομίας του.»
RT @vonderleyen: We support Pakistan in its recovery after the terrible floods of last year that claimed over 1,700 lives.
Today we endorsed Pakistan’s reconstruction plan with €500 million from #TeamEu…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1612393615233261569
Nature is our best ally to fight #climatechange
The biggest biodiversity conference #COP15 kicked off in 🇨🇦 Montreal. 196 countries are coming together aiming to protect & restore the world's nature. #TeamEU🇪🇺 is ready to aim high with a #BiodiversityStrategy 2030 #ForOurPlanet
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_in_India/status/1600739531376197635
#ClimateChange #COP15 #TeamEU #BiodiversityStrategy #ForOurPlanet
🇪🇺🚴♀️ You've maybe spotted #TeamEU biking around beautiful @ottawacity for #worldbicycleday2022.
We're on track to reaching the objectives of the 🇪🇺 #GreenDeal and sustainable mobility is part of the solution!
#TeamEU #worldbicycleday2022 #GreenDeal
Maybe our favorite moment from yesterday's @ussoccerfndn charity tournament. 😍🇪🇺🇺🇦
RT @MichaelCurtisEU: The results of yesterday's @ussoccerfndn charity tournament aren't as important as this image right here — #TeamEU with our friends #TeamUKR @UKRintheUSA and celebrating how sport brings us together: On and off the field, we #StandWithUkraine.
#TeamEU #TeamUKR #StandWithUkraine
#TeamEU is warmed up and ready to play! See you at @AudiField. 😎
RT @EUintheUS: We are excited to be part of this event benefiting @ussoccerfndn, which helps children in underserved communities embrace active and healthy lifestyles. You're invited → Join us at @AudiField tomorrow and root for #TeamEU! https://ussoccerfoundation.org/events/congressional-soccer-match/
We are excited to be part of this event benefiting @ussoccerfndn, which helps children in underserved communities embrace active and healthy lifestyles. You're invited → Join us at @AudiField tomorrow and root for #TeamEU! https://bit.ly/3LmP2Qz